
A toy clone of a DNS Server and client

Primary LanguageRust


The Domain Name System (DNS) is the hierarchical and decentralized naming system used to identify computers, services, and other resources reachable through the internet or other internet protocol networks.

The resource records contained in the DNS associate domain names with other forms of information. These are most commonly used to map human-friendly domain names to the numerical IP addresses computers need to locate services and devices using the underlying network protocols, but have been extended over time to perform many other functions as well.

The Domain Name System has been an essential component of the functionality of the Internet since 1985.

This is a toy clone of of DNS Server and Client.


I followed this brillient guide to make this. Though have taken some steps differnently.

Most important of those was separating out the parsing stuff into a separate workspace crate.


Segregation of the protocol pieces from the parsing stuff.

If someone wants to just see how dns works and does not wish to delve into the details of how to do parsing and writing into the packet format and just use that part of the crate and work on their implementation.

With this someone can follow the aforementioned guide whilst skiping over all the parsing/bit-fiddling stuff

Note: There are some helpers provided in addition to basic parsing and writing. But one can easily ignore these and just write thir own

It is highly recommended that one reads through the dnsparse/src/types.rs file. Just reading through the comments should be enough

For the rest of this text we will assume that the types/parsing/writing packet stuff is in place and just focus on the steps taken by the actual protocol as outlined in the initial RFC

Client: Theory

The client will call a pre-existing DNS Server with the query packet and will parse it's response and will show it to the user. With that info the steps that we are required to perform and fairly straightforward

Client: High Level Flow

  • Get the query from the user
  • Construct a DnsPacket from this query
  • Send the packet to any DNS server
  • Receive the response packet
  • Parse this packet
  • Show the response to the user


Client: Execution

cargo run --bin client -- --query yahoo.com

Server: Theory

The DNS system contains the following components

Root name servers

  • Official, contact-of-last-resort by name servers when unable to service a request
  • Incredibly important (Internet won't work if they go down kinda important)
  • ICANN manages root DNS domains
  • There are 13 logical root servers which are replicated hundreds of times
    • Why 13?

Top-Level Domain Servers

  • Top level names (e.g. .edu, .com, etc)
  • Registered and maintained by ICANN
  • TLDs are given to countries (ISO 3166 international 2-character country code)
  • TLDs don't have mappings but can redirect to Authoritative namer servers

Authoritative DNS servers

  • Org's own DNS server, providing authoritative hostname to IP mappings for orgs named hosts
  • Can be maintained by organization or service provider
  • ANS stores a table of domain name to IP addresses

Local DNS servers

  • When host makes a query, it is sent to its local DNS server
  • If we don't get it here (i.e. in cache) then we start the DNS resolution process

The Name Resolution Process

  • User Program looks up it's own cache
    • If it finds it there great otherwise the following steps are followed
  • The request then goes to the Resolver server
    • Each host has this configured (to view scutil --dns)
    • Finds it in the cache great otherwise onwards
  • The resolver then goes to the Root server.
    • One can simulate this by executing dig +norecurse @ www.google.com
    • You can get a list of other Root server addresses from named.root
  • The Root server does not have the resolution but it will reply with the list of ip address for this TLD
    • E.g. if I am looking up goole.com then it will be forwarded to .com TLD
  • The resolver then goes to the TLD DNS server (whose ip we got in last step)
    • One can simulate this step by executing dig +norecurse @ www.google.com
    • Where was in the response of the previous dig command that we executed
  • The TLD server returns a list of ips for Authoritative Name servers
  • The resolver then goes to the Authoritative Name Server
    • Once can simulate this step by executing dig +norecurse @ www.google.com
  • ANS responds with an IP from it's database
    • It chooses one of those IP addresses and gives it to you
  • Resolver stores this in it's cache and returns the value to the requesting host
  • Requesting host stores this info in it's cache

Armed with this knowledge we can easily come up with an implementation

Server: Execution

  1. Start the server: RUST_LOG=<log_level> cargo run --bin rdns
  2. Use a client to contact the server: dig @ -p 2053 www.google.com

How do I write my own?

You can checkout the branch my-own which only has the dnsparse workspace crate and the basic folder structure in place. So you can just checkout that branch and start writing your own version, without delving into the packet parsing and writing packet buffers.

Happy learning!