
SchemaTypist is a configurable command-line tool that generates code for database interactions through Dapper.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


SchemaTypist enables type-safe database interactions using Dapper and SqlKata, by generating C# code from database schemata. All you need to worry about are the actual queries. Leave the rest to SchemaTypist!

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How does it work?

At its core, SchemaTypist provides a highly configurable, dotnet CLI tool called schematypist-cli. The CLI tool inspects schemata exposed by your database and generates metadata mapping as C# code, which you can then use to interact with the database.

Can you show me?

Here's a demo

Here's a recorded demo

Where do I start?

  • Install the SchemaTypist CLI tool.
      dotnet tool install -g schematypist.cli 
  • Add the following to your csproj file.
     	<SchemaTypist_ConnectionString>%22server=localhost;user id=sa;password=N3v3r!nPr0d;Database=StackOverflow%22</SchemaTypist_ConnectionString>
     <Target Name="MyGenerator" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
     	<CallTarget Targets="SchemaTypist_DoGenerate" />
     	<Message Importance="high" Text="Generated source files using SchemaTypist" />
       <PackageReference Include="SchemaTypist" Version="0.8.0" />
       <PackageReference Include="SchemaTypist.MSBuild" Version="0.8.0" />
  • Finally, run the build.
      dotnet build -p:SchemaTypist_Generate=true 
  • You're done. Now, go forth and query your database at runtime.
      public class SampleRepository
          public async Task<IEnumerable<Post>> GetPostsByUser(string userName)
              var p = PostDao.Table.As("p");
              var u = UserDao.Table.As("u");
              var q = new Query()
                  .Select(p.Body, p.Id, p.LastActivityDate, p.Title)
                  .LeftJoin(u, j => j.On(p.OwnerUserId, u.Id))
                  .Where(u.DisplayName, Op.EQ, userName)
              var connection = new SqlConnection(@"server=localhost;user id=sa;password= N3v3r!nPr0d;initial catalog=StackOverflow");
              var compiler = new SqlServerCompiler();
              var db = new QueryFactory(connection, compiler);
              var posts = await db.GetAsync<Post>(q);
              return posts;
    For more examples, please look in the samples folder.


  • Can use secrets for connection string instead of storing it in plain text in your csproj file.
  • Supports the following RDBMS Providers:
    • Microsoft Sql Server (tested).
    • PostgreSql (tested).
    • Potentially supports any RDBMS that is compliant with SQL-99 standard (i.e. exposes INFORMATION_SCHEMA views).
  • Generated code is compatible with:
    • .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET Framework 4.6.1 and above) - CSharp 7.3
    • .NET 8.0 - CSharp 12
  • Include and exclude regexes to include/exclude database objects respectively.
  • Supports immutable objects and supports records.
  • Class and property names follow database object names, but are cleansed to fit C# naming conventions:
    • Supports stripping common db object name prefixes like "tbl_", "vw_" etc. when creating classes.
    • Converts DB object names from snake_case or kebab-case_ to PascalCase.
    • Entity class names are singularized by default.
    • Customizable suffixes for entity as well as persistence classes.
  • Files, paths and namespaces:
    • Root directory and root namespace for generated code
    • Custom subdirectories for entity as well as persistence classes
    • Custom file name suffix
  • And many more...


  • Don't forget to give a ⭐ on GitHub
  • Share your feedback and ideas to improve this tool. Please feel free to create an issue to discuss further.