
Restaurant Review App based on Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Restaurant Review App based on Node.js

Its a basic CRUD Restaurant review application where a user can go through the available restaurant-listing and read or write reviews for the same. The back-end is entirely based on node.js using tools as follows:

  • framework: express.js
  • template engine: jade
  • nosql db: mongodb
  • mongodb node module: mongojs
  • db hosting: mongohq
  • application deployment: heroku

Demo: http://nirav-resto.herokuapp.com/about

  • Sample data has been taken from timeoutdubai.com for a non commercial purpose. It simply intents to serve the 'Lorem ipsum' purpose to this web application. Nontheless, if you have any concerns with the data used, you can reach me at ndgandhi.88@gmail.com.