
Simplified version of the printf function in C.

Primary LanguageC

Printf function:

This is a custom implementation of the `printf` function in C that supports various format specifiers, The function also writes output directly to the standard output using `write`, and returns the number of characters printed (similar to the standard printf).

Project File Structure

File Name Description
main.h Header file that contains function prototypes and necessary includes.
charactrs.c Functions that handle printing characters, strings, and non-printable characters.
number.c Functions that handle printing numbers in decimal format.
number_base.c Functions that print numbers in different bases (binary, octal, uppercase hexadecimal, and lowercase hexadecimal).
pointers.c Functions that handle printing pointer addresses, Rot13 encoding, and reversed strings.
printf.c The main _printf function that mimics the behavior of printf (under 40 lines).
printf_merv.c A more extended version of _printf (over 40 lines, with a slightly different function prototype).
test/main.c The main function used to test the implemented printf function.

Case List

  • Case 1: Handling %c: Character
  • Case 2: Handling %s: String of characters
  • Case 3: Handling %d or %i: Signed decimal integer
  • Case 4: Handling %b: Unsigned binary
  • Case 5: Handling %u: Unsigned decimal integer
  • Case 6: Handling %o: Unsigned octal
  • Case 7: Handling %x: Unsigned hexadecimal integer (lowercase)
  • Case 8: Handling %X: Unsigned hexadecimal integer (uppercase)
  • Case 9: Handling %S: Custom conversion specifier
  • Case 10: Handling %p: Pointer address
  • Case 11: Handling %r: Custom conversion specifier, reversed string.
  • Case 12: Handling %R: Custom conversion specifier, Rot13'ed string.

How to Use

Include the header file that declares printf_ and the relevant specifier functions (if implemented in separate files). Link the object files that contain the implementation of your printf function. Call printf_ with the desired format string and arguments. compile it this way : __gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 *.c