Authors' Haven

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A blogging platform for the creative at heart.

Authors' Haven is a simple API that allows users to write, read and share. Our vision is to create a community of like minded authors to foster inspiration and innovation by leveraging the modern web.


Comprehensive documentation for the API is hosted here.


  • Users can create accounts to store their data.
  • Users can create, edit and delete articles.
  • Users can read other authors' articles.
  • Users can follow other authors and share these articles on Social Platforms.


Tools used for development of this API are;

Getting Started

  1. After cloning the repository from here, install requirements by running this command in the root of the repo folder
    $ npm install
  1. Create a PostgreSQL database and take note of the database configurations.

  2. Make a copy of .env.sample and rename it to .env. Edit the file replacing the respective configuration values.

  3. Run the following commands in the projects root to set up migrations and to seed the database

    $ npm run migrate
    $ npm run seed
  1. Run the following command to start the API server:
    $ npm start

Running the tests

To run tests, use the following commands in your terminal to apply migrations, seed the database and then run tests

   NODE_ENV=test && npm run migrate
   npm run seed
   npm test 


Many thanks to Alpha Ogilo and Bridget Mendoza.

Key Contributors

  • Eric Shema
  • Jean Bosco Niyodusenga
  • Fridolin Niyonsaba
  • Aaron Sekisambu
  • Vincent De Paul Abimana