
Some basic moderation Discord bot, with new Features like Timeout. Also added Invite and Stats Manager so you can get quick.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


    1. After downloading this project head to the console and type npm i

    2. After setting up all modules go to config.json and fill the things like on the example below.

    3. If you finished all ttype in console node src/index.js to run the bot.

Congratulations 🎉

Example Settings File

    "token": "TOKEN",
    "prefix": ".",
    "mongooseConnectionString": "MONGO_CONNECTION",
    "developer": ["YoUR_id"],
    "commandlog": "COMMAnD_LOGCHANNEL_ID",
    "invitelog": "INVITE_LOGCHANNEL_ID",
    "guildId": "GUILD_ID",
    "ChatGuard": {
        "logchannel": "CHATGUARD_LOGCHANNEL_ID"
    "Welcome": {
        "channel": "WELCOME_CHANNEL_ID",
        "role": "AUTOROLE_ID"
    "Jail": {
        "roles": ["JAILED_ROLE_ID1","JAILED_ROLE_ID2"],
        "authorized": "JAIL_HAMMER_ROLE_ID"
    "Stats": {
            "Cooldown": 1
        "Voice": {
            "ignoreChannels": ["EXAMPLE_VOICE_TOSKIP_1", "EXAMPLE_VOICE_TOSKIP_2"]
    "ContextTimeouts": {
        "BannedContentTimeout": "30m",
        "WrongChannelTimeout": "15m",
        "disturbChannelTimeout": "15m",
        "provokingTimeout": "15m",
        "blackmailTimeout": "3h",
        "blackmailJail": "7d",
        "disrespectTimeout": "3h",
        "disrespectJail": "2w",
        "hammers": {
            "banRole": "BAN_HAMMER_ROLE_ID",
            "timeoutRole": "TIMEOUT_HAMMER_ROLE_ID"


This project was officially made by Niyuki Feel free to contact me if you hit on any errors because it might have some issues.It's prohibited from changing and sharing on behalf of other server/person!