
One of the most advanced Discord Gif BOT with MongoDB, Economy and Market System

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

multilingual niyuki-gif-bot (/w MongoDB, Economy and Market)

One of the most advanced Discord Gif BOT with MongoDB, Economy and Market System


I did not translate EVERYTHING just to make this good and customizable for everyone

Getting Started

Install the code and fill setting.jsonso your bot get's ready..

I added a feature command called setup(owner only). It's supposed to create all needed roles and emojis for the spaces below! setup

Additionally I will explain some more about settings section

    "panel": {
      "guildid": "GIF_GUILD_ID",
      "token": "BOT_TOKEN",
      "developers": ["730448609790787585","YOUR_ID"],
      "prefix": ".", //BOT PREFIX
      "embedFooter": "🔥 Niyuki On Fire 🔥", //EMBED FOOTER
      "embedColor": "f6f6f6", //EMBED COLOR
      "mongoPath": "MONGOURL",
      "language": "tr", //YOUR LANGUAGE | Example: en, fr, de
      "swearings": ["fuck", "nigger", "nigga","motherfucker"] //anti swear words (feel free to add more)
    "channellist": {
      "chat": "CHAT_CHANNEL_ID", 
      "invitelog": "INVITELOG_CHANNEL_ID",
      "botcommands": "BOTCOMMANDS_CHANNEL_ID", 

      "sharecategory": ["woman_category_id","man_category_id", "..."], // Share category IDs
      "giflog": "SHARED_GIF_LOG_CHANNELID",

      "feedbacklog": "FEEDBACK_CHANNEL_ID",
      "suggestionlog": "SUGGESTION_CHANNEL_ID",

      "randomGifLog": "RANDOMGIF_CHANNEL_ID",
      "randomPpLog": "RANDOMPP_CHANNEL_ID",

      "commandLog": "COMMANDLOG_CHANNEL_ID",
      "voiceChannel": "VOICECHANNEL_ID"
    "rolelist": {
      "Sharer": "SHARER_ID",
      "BotRole": "BOT_ROLE_ID",

      "Staff": ["STAFF_ROLE_1", "STAFF_ROLE_""],
      "Moderator": ["MOD_ROLE_1", "MOD_ROLE_2"],
      "Admin": ["ADMIN_ROLE_1", "ADMIN_ROLE_2"],

      "VipColor1": "VIP_ROLE_COLOR_1",
      "VipColor2": "",
      "VipColor3": "",
      "VipColor4": "",
      "VipColor5": "",
      "VipColor6": "",
      "VipColor7": "",
      "VipColor8": "",
      "VipColor9": "",
      "VipColor10": "",

      "ColorRole1": "",
      "ColorRole2": "",
      "ColorRole3": "",
      "ColorRole4": "",
      "ColorRole5": ""
    "fun": {
      "jobs": ["Developer", "Architect", "Host/Hostess", "Bus Driver", "Cook", "Engineer", "Doctor", "Lawyer", "News Reporter", "Writer", "Actor", "Teacher", "Librarian", "Pilot"], //JOBS (feel free to add more)
      "sharereward": 50, //Coins added for each shared gif
      "emoji": "💖",
      "tickemoji": "✅",
      "crossemoji": "❌",
      "coinsemoji": "💸",

      "headsemoji": "",
      "tailsemoji": "",
      "coinspinemoji": "",

      "greendiamondemoji": "",
      "reddiamondemoji": "",
      "blackdiamondemoji": ""

After installing all modules just type in terminal node . so your bot get's on. Make sure you enter all correct IDs and Tokens!

How to fix HTTPError

Either you will use your own texts or you go to ``index.js`` and switch the translate modules from one to another(Modules are not same)

"# discord-presence-bot" "# discord-gif-bot-niyuki"