
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Simple ML framework

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  • Auto ML.
  • Unified pipeline.
  • Stable CV scheme.
  • One configuration file.
  • Multi-stage optimization.

Mlshell based on Pycnfg library. All parameters controlled from single Python configuration.


For details, please refer to Concepts.


PyPi PyPi version PyPI Status

pip install mlshell
Development installation (tests and docs):

pip install mlshell[dev]

Docker Docker Pulls

docker run -it nizaevka/mlshell

Tested on: Python 3.6+.



Getting started


"""Configuration example - tune LGBM on iris dataset."""
import lightgbm
import mlshell
import pycnfg
import sklearn.datasets

# Optimization hp ranges.
hp_grid = {
    'reduce_dimensions__skip': [False, True],  # PCA on/off
    # 'estimate__classifier__n_estimators': np.linspace(50, 1000, 10, dtype=int),
    # ...

The single configuration CNFG controls whole ml task.
Each section sub-configurations produce object (pipeline/metric/dataset/workflow)
    => object init state
        => transform object with steps (producer methods)
            => store result
Sub-configuration with greater priority (workflow) could utilize previously
created objects.
CNFG = {
    # Pipeline section - make pipeline object(s).
    'pipeline': {
        'lgbm': {
            'init': mlshell.Pipeline,
            'producer': mlshell.PipelineProducer,
            'priority': 3,
            'steps': [
                ('make', {
                    'estimator_type': 'classifier',
                    'steps': mlshell.pipeline.Steps,
                    'estimator': lightgbm.sklearn.LGBMClassifier(
                        num_leaves=5, max_depth=5, n_estimators=100,
                        random_state=42),  # last stage of pipeline.
    # Metric section - make scorer object(s).
    'metric': {
        'accuracy': {
            'init': mlshell.Metric,
            'producer': mlshell.MetricProducer,
            'priority': 4,
            'steps': [
                ('make', {
                    'score_func': sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score,
                    'greater_is_better': True,
        'confusion_matrix': {
            'init': mlshell.Metric,
            'producer': mlshell.MetricProducer,
            'priority': 4,
            'steps': [
                ('make', {
                    'score_func': sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix,
    # Dataset section - dataset loading/preprocessing/splitting.
    'dataset': {
        'train': {
            'init': mlshell.Dataset({
                'data': sklearn.datasets.load_iris(as_frame=True).frame
            'producer': mlshell.DatasetProducer,
            'priority': 5,
            'steps': [
                ('preprocess', {'targets_names': ['target']}),
                ('split', {'train_size': 0.75, 'shuffle': True,
                           'random_state': 42}),
    # Workflow section
    # - fit/predict pipelines on datasets,
    # - optimize/validate metrics,
    # - predict/dump predictions on datasets.
    'workflow': {
        'conf': {
            'init': {},
            'producer': mlshell.Workflow,
            'priority': 6,
            'steps': [
                # Optimize 'lgbm' pipeline on 'train' subset of 'train' dataset
                # on hp combinations from 'hp_grid'. Score and refit on
                # 'accuracy' scorer.
                ('optimize', {
                    'pipeline_id': 'pipeline__lgbm',
                    'dataset_id': 'dataset__train',
                    'subset_id': 'train',
                    'metric_id': ['metric__accuracy'],
                    'hp_grid': hp_grid,
                    'gs_params': {
                        'n_iter': None,
                        'n_jobs': 1,
                        'refit': 'metric__accuracy',
                        'cv': sklearn.model_selection.KFold(n_splits=3,
                        'verbose': 1,
                        'pre_dispatch': 'n_jobs',
                        'return_train_score': True,
                # Validate 'lgbm' pipeline on 'train' and 'test' subsets of
                # 'train' dataset with 'accuracy' and 'confusion_matrix'.
                ('validate', {
                    'pipeline_id': 'pipeline__lgbm',
                    'dataset_id': 'dataset__train',
                    'subset_id': ['train', 'test'],
                    'metric_id': ['metric__accuracy',

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # mlshell.CNFG contains default section / configuration keys for typical ml
    # task, including pretty logger and project path detection.
    objects = pycnfg.run(CNFG, dcnfg=mlshell.CNFG)


Check examples folder.

Contribution guide


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