Pet Shop API


This project is intended to portray skills and knowledge of the laravel framework. Not all routes, tables and features are covered. Only few features were added just to display skills in structure, test, DRY and solid principles.

First Setup

These steps should be run after cloning the repo

  • Install docker and docker-compose, instructions for supported environments available here
  • Copy .env.example to .env
    cp .env.example .env
  • Build environment and install composer dependencies
    docker-compose up --build
  • Generate application key
    docker container exec -it <app-container-name> php artisan key:generate
  • Run migrations and seeds
    docker container exec -it <app-container-name> php artisan migrate --seed
  • Generate the swagger documentation
    docker container exec -it <app-container-name> php artisan l5-swagger:generate

Regular Setup

Run this command any other time you want to boot up the app after the first setup went well

docker-compose up


Run the following commands whenever needed

  • Running tests
    docker container exec -it <app-container-name> php artisan test

The swagger documentation is available on the /api/docs endpoint