EasyTerrain simplifies terrain creation process by automatically slicing a template image with terrain assets and converting them to format ready for SpriteEditor.
Fill supplied template.png with assets of your terrain, save it as input.png (using indexed mode with transparency or as normal PNG in RGBA mode) and run the script. Terrain files ready for conversion will be created in output/ directory. Convert the files with supplied SpriteEditor.exe to create Level.dir and icon.img (rename it to text.img in Worms Armageddon/DATA/Level/YourTerrain directory).
See provided input.png for example how to put your assets.
Sample gradient.img.bmp and icon.img.bmp have been provided in data/ directory to make the terrain work out of the box, but you will need to customize them manually.
Debris sprite must be transparent and use a 1px stroke outside its bounding box. Sample debris sprites have been provided in debris samples.png. If your debris animation exceeds the available vertical space, you can simply resize the template image. Remember to update data/debris.spr.spd with width, height and frames used in your debris animation.
usage: easyterrain.py [-h] [--input INPUT] [--data DATA] [--output OUTPUT] [--transparencycolor #RRGGBB] [--noalign]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT Path to indexed PNG file with terrain assets (default: input.png)
--data DATA Path to data directory with easyterrain data files (default: data)
--output OUTPUT Path to output directory with generated terrain files (default: output)
--transparencycolor #RRGGBB
Replace color 0 in palette (used in WA as transparency) with this color (default: #FF00FF)
--noalign Disable aligning IMG files to dimensions divisible by 4 (default: False)