
Primary LanguageJava

Lunch Recipe

User Story

As a User I would like to make a request to an API that will determine, from a set of recipes, what I can have for lunch today based on the contents of my fridge, so that I can quickly decide what I’ll be having to eat and the ingredients required to prepare the meal.

Acceptance Criteria

  • GIVEN that I am an API client AND have made a GET request to the /lunch endpoint THEN I should receive a JSON response of the recipes that I can prepare based on the availability of the ingredients in my fridge
  • GIVEN that I am an API client AND I have made a GET request to the /lunch endpoint AND an ingredient is past its use-by date THEN I should not receive any recipes containing this ingredient
  • GIVEN that I am an API client AND I have made a GET request to the /lunch endpoint AND an ingredient is past its best-before date AND is still within its use-by date THEN any recipe containing this ingredient should be sorted to the bottom of the JSON response object Additional Criteria
  • Use the Spring Boot framework (https://spring.io/guides/gs/spring-boot/) to create the application API
  • The application SHOULD contain some basic unit and integration tests (e.g. using JUnit)
  • The application MUST be completed using an OOP approach and engineering best practices
  • The application code style MUST adhere to the Google Java Style Guide (https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html)
  • Any dependencies SHOULD be installed and configured using Maven (Maven is the preference, but you may optionally use Gradle)
  • Any installation, build steps, testing and usage instructions MUST be provided in a README.md file in the root of the application - include instructions for building any Docker / Vagrant environments if required

Application Data For the purpose of this task, the application SHOULD fetch JSON data from the following mock endpoints:

Importing the Project

  • Install java 8, Maven
  • Download source code and unzip to your directory
  • Open IntelliJ, Import the project -> Select the root folder -> Next
  • Select Import project from external model -> Select Maven line -> Next
  • Select tick automatically download source checkbox -> Finish

    If the code is not working, open the Maven tab Press Reimport all Maven projects

  • you may need to install Lombok plugin on your IntelliJ IDE.

Start Project using Command Line

cd /directory/projectFolder
mvn spring-boot:run   

Run the tests

  • Open the src/test folder
  • Right-click on java folder -> *Run all tests
  • you can run tests using command line mvn test

Using the API

/lunch/{ingredients} you can test API on Using Postman