
My personal template while making new project

Primary LanguageDart

NFlutter Template

This project using NFlutter Template (https://github.com/nizwar/flutter_template.git) with NullSafety Support!

Before we start, Use these plugins to make sure everything's setup!

  dio: any
  provider: any
  shimmer: any
  cached_network_image: any
  shared_preferences: any
  ndialog: any

  #I do realized post bugs monitor is the most important once developing apps, 
  firebase_core: any
  firebase_analytics: any
  firebase_crashlytics: any
  firebase_performance: any

Run flutter pub upgrade --null-safety to fetch all newest plugin versions.

Run flutterfire configure to initialize Firebase project (Make sure to change package name first)

Widget Things!

Custom Divider

You can use ColumnDivider and RowDivider to make distance between Widgets, default space = 10 (you can change it on customDivider.dart)


We got ShimmerObject, ShimmeringObject, ShimmerContainer, you need to group your ShimmerObjects / or another object using ShimmerContainer to make it Shimmer, if you want to directly make a shimmering object, use ShimmeringObject.

Custom Image

Just simple image widget using cached_network_image, you can call it easily using CustomImage!

Custom Card

Need more shadow from regular Card? use CustomCard!

Another Things!


HttpConnection is an Abstract Class, you need to extends to use it, but don't worry, it much easier than you think, let me give you an example codes here!

    class UserHttp extends HttpConnection{
        // We store context to HttpConnection so we can show
        // Dialog, Reach Providers (i recommended to store it into 
        // HttpConnection, so you can reach providers in every 
        //extended class), etc.
        UserHttp(BuildContext context) : super(context);

        //Lets make login function
        Future<User> login({String username, String password}) async {
            //post is came from HttpConnection's Function
            var resp = await post<ApiResponse>(endpoint + "/login", body:{"username": username, "password": password});

            //ApiResponse is my template Models (you can custom with yours in https/httpConnection.dart).
            //e.g in this case, my api response will show like this
            //  success : true,
            //  message : "Success",
            //  data : {"name" : "nizwar", blablablabla},
            //so look at ApiResponse on https/httpConnection.dart

            //Simple validation, if it true, return with data
            if(resp.success) return User.fromJson(resp.data);            

            return null;


Preferences is a simple class to help you manage SharedPreferences.

    Future initData() async {
        Preferences pref = await Preferences.instance();
        //Look at utils/preferences.dart
        //You'll find token and saveToken function to store Token to SharedPreferences
        //on 'set' function, you can write this
        pref.token = "XXXX";

        //on 'void' function, you can write this

        //to get the token simply use this
        String token = pref.token;


Don't waste your time to show the screen by writing Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute (builder: blablabla)), now you can easily use startScreen() or replaceScreen(), and simply close it by closeScreen()

    startScreen(context, YourScreen());
    replaceScreen(context, YourScreen());

Okay that's it, I'll update this repo if i found something!, By the way, Feel free to contribute and show the world your style!