Landmark Explorer App

Users will be able to see a gallery of famous landmarks and have the ability to favorite, mark visited, and review locations

C (Create): Users can add a landmark to their favorites or mark it as visited.

R (Read): Users can view a list of famous landmarks and read details about each landmark.

U (Update): Users can provide comments on landmarks they have visited.

D (Delete): Users can remove a landmark from their favorites or visited list.

Client-Side Routing & Purpose

/home: The landing page displays a button that navigates to the landmarks page or, for a stretch goal, allows users to sign up.

/visited: This page displays a list of visited landmarks and provides options to mark or unmark landmarks as visited.

/landmarks: Users can view a list of famous landmarks on this page, with the ability to view details and add/remove them from their favorites.

/favorites: Users can see their list of favorite landmarks on this page and have options to remove landmarks from their favorites.


App: The main component responsible for handling routing and managing the application's state.

Header: A navigation header component that appears at the top of each page, providing links to home, visited, landmarks, and favorites.

LandmarkList: A reusable component for displaying a list of landmarks. It is utilized on both the /landmarks and /favorites pages.

Visited: This component displays the list of visited landmarks and allows users to manage their visited status.

Favorites: This component displays the list of favorite landmarks and provides options to manage favorites.

Stretch Goals

Interactive Map Integration: Incorporate an interactive map (e.g., Google Maps) to display the geographical locations of famous landmarks. This would provide users with a visual representation of the landmarks' locations.

Social Sharing to Third-Party Sites: Implement social sharing functionality that allows users to share their favorite landmarks or visited destinations on third-party social media platforms.


