

  • PHP (Version 7.3 or greater)

Run Crafty

In order to run crafty, go to ./builds directory and run php crafty. You will see all the commands available from crafty.

Crafty commands and options available

  • run php crafty command to show all comands available
  • run php crafty packages --help option to see all available options for packages options
  • run php crafty packages option to show packages for craft-cms, it will show on a table format inside terminal
  • run php crafty packages --limit={number} option to only show desired number of craft-cms packages, you can set the number desired to show packages. If you don't specify --limit option by default it will show 50 packages
  • run php crafty packages --orderBy={column} option to order by desired column. Columns available on which you can order by are:
    • downloads (default)
    • favers
    • dependents
    • updated
  • run php crafty packages --orderBy=downloads --ASC option to order in ascending, by default is in descending
  • run php crafty packages --output option to save results as a json file format

Run Crafty on terminal from anywhere

In order to run crafty anywhere in terminal, please follow these steps:

  • Run this: sudo cp ./builds/crafty /usr/local/bin
  • Restart terminal
  • Run crafty command