
Table of Contents

Setup and configuration (Windows)


Windows 10 Pro

To install docker you’ll need Windows 10 Pro. Make sure that you have Virtualization (VT) enabled on your Windows otherwise you can't install docker.


Download Docker for Windows
Note: Run as administrator after you install on your machine.

Create directory

We need these directories before we start the project in docker.
To create these directories on Windows please use Command Prompt (CMD)

md db logs\nginx mysql wordpress


.env_example file has been included to set docker-compose variables without having to modify the docker-compose.yml file itself. Create a file named .env from the .env_example

cp .env_example .env


copy .env_example .env

Most important variables that need to be modifed by your site needs are:

SITE_NAME Your specific project that you are working on i.e sportal or wsn

#site name

Where needs to be the same as MYSQL_DATABASE variable.
Note: This is where it's specified in wp-config.php so it matches you mysql database name. (It does automatically though, you don't need to change anything on wp-config.php file).


Where it will create the database based on this name.


If you want a to install wordpress on a new fresh database, leave it as it is, it doesn't matter in this case.
This is optional because it should be used if you want to import a database from a site, so it's quite important in this case.
You should add the name of your database file that you need to import.

# db file name to import (optional)

Hosts File

Change your hosts file to your domain i.e wp.local (Which is by default in new project) Go to this directory:


Edit hosts file: wp.local

Important If you change this domain name to something else in your needs, please make sure to change it also in the nginx\default.conf and there change it the server name to the new domain server_name new.domain;

Start your project (Windows)

Open Windows powershell

You need to open Windows powershell and Run as administrator.
CD to your project folder that you've cloned, i.e cd C:\Users\YourUser\Desktop\wnmp-dcoker-env

Starting your project

Note: Make sure you have Docker up and running on your machine.
Run this command:

docker-compose up -d

Note: Sometimes docker-compose up -d won't work in the first try with Windows Powershell, so please try again the command if something fails.

Run this command to see all containers that were created:

docker-compose ps -a

Go to your browser with the domain that you have set on your hosts file, in our example is wp.local.

Note: If you wan't to import another db into your site, you don't have to proceed on installing wordpress in this stage as later you'd have to remove the db first and then import the database, instead go to Managing Database below and import your db.

Managing Database

We can manage our database in different ways with phpmyadmin, mariadb,other db client.

Open phpmyadmin in browser

To open phpmyadmin in your browser you can simply go in this address:


Connect to mariadb

To connect to mariadb you'll have to go into Docker dashboard again and click cli button:

After you open cli you can use it to connect into your database:

mysql -uroot -p

Importing your db with mariadb cli

To import we first we need to make sure that the database in our db directory was imported inside container, to do that we can simply connect to mysql/mariadb cli and check if your database.sql is inside docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory.
After you are connected to mysql cli, go to docker-entrypoint-initdb.d cd docker-entrypoint-initdb.d and list items inside that with this command ls, if your specific sql file is there then you can continue on importing it using this command:

Considering that you are in the docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory.

mysql -uroot -ppassword database < ./database.sql

Common issues

Check for the list below for the common issues that might happen

ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away while trying to import a db

If you are having this issue while importing your db please check this link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10474922/error-2006-hy000-mysql-server-has-gone-away

In order to modify you'll need a text editor you can install nano on your mysql cli (shell) as you'd do in linux:

apt-get update
apt-get install nano

You should modify my.cnf file on your mysql, to do that cd to this directory /etc/mysql you can find this file and edit it as requested.