Huboo Todo List
This is a todo list application built with Laravel, Vue JS and Postgres.
Test user credentials:
User: user1 email: password: secret
Once all commands below have been run you should be able to access the application at http://localhost:8772/
Quick Start
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Docker and Docker Compose must both be installed on the host. Once the containers are started you can create databases with the following commands
You will need to create the main database and a test database:
docker exec -it db bash -c "psql --username=postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE todo_list;'"
docker exec -it db bash -c "psql --username=postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE todo_list_test;'"
bash ./
Or run each command in the shell script manually.
This project can be setup with the commands below. Which will also run all migrations and seed database.
Additional SQL files have been provided in the sql directory. These can also be used to get a demo database up and running.
Build the containers
docker-compose build
Start the containers
docker-compose up
Install PHP dependencies
docker exec -it web bash -c "composer install"
Database rerun all migrations and seed
docker exec -it web bash -c "php artisan migrate:fresh && php artisan db:seed"
Install JS dependencies
docker exec -it web bash -c "npm install"
Watch JS
docker exec -it web bash -c "npm run watch"
Run Tests:
docker exec -it web bash -c "php vendor/bin/phpunit"
New Feature
As a user
I want a task to be created to change my password if it has been pwned
So that my valuable information stays secret
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am logging in
When I enter my password
And I have not been pwned
Then I receive a message informing me I'm all secure
Given I am logging in
When I enter my password
And I have been pwned
Then a task will be created in the todo list to change my password
Tech Spec
sha1 the unhashed password and split at char 5 into suffix and prefix.
The prefix is sent to and the suffix is used to compare against the response.
API Documentation:
Searching by range In order to protect the value of the source password being searched for, Pwned Passwords also implements a k-Anonymity model that allows a password to be searched for by partial hash. This allows the first 5 characters of a SHA-1 password hash (not case-sensitive) to be passed to the API (testable by clicking here):
GET{first 5 hash chars} When a password hash with the same first 5 characters is found in the Pwned Passwords repository, the API will respond with an HTTP 200 and include the suffix of every hash beginning with the specified prefix, followed by a count of how many times it appears in the data set. The API consumer can then search the results of the response for the presence of their source hash and if not found, the password does not exist in the data set. A sample response for the hash prefix "21BD1" would be as follows:
0018A45C4D1DEF81644B54AB7F969B88D65:1 00D4F6E8FA6EECAD2A3AA415EEC418D38EC:2 011053FD0102E94D6AE2F8B83D76FAF94F6:1 012A7CA357541F0AC487871FEEC1891C49C:2 0136E006E24E7D152139815FB0FC6A50B15:2 ... A range search typically returns approximately 500 hash suffixes, although this number will differ depending on the hash prefix being searched for and will increase as more passwords are added. There are 1,048,576 different hash prefixes between 00000 and FFFFF (16^5) and every single one will return HTTP 200; there is no circumstance in which the API should return HTTP 404.
Code Body Description 200 Hash suffixes counts Ok — all password hashes beginning with the searched prefix are returned alongside prevalence counts Read more about how k-Anonymity and the Pwned Passwords range search protects searched passwords.