
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started with PostGresql 🚀

This project was done with the collaboration of :


This project is aimed at :

  • creating a database and the its tables based on the model below

284482581_5455459404472757_4993945522678872229_n (1)

  • adding datas to each tables (insert_$.sql files, where '$' matches with the table name).

  • writing request we could make with the current database.

How to use ?

You can either fork this repository to yours, either download all the files into zip format.

Cloning this repository is also possible by entering the following command to your Git bash :

git init .

this will initialize a git repository in the directory you are in

git clone https://github.com/Onitsiky/Donnee2.git

this one will clone this repository to the one you have just initialized before

Once you have got it, you can run it on "psql" or "Pgadmin" by doing a copy/paste, or by using this command :

\i /path/to/the/filename.sql;