
Sentiment analysis based web app to measure the morality of tweets.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Moralitweet is a small web app (written almost completely in Javascript) that uses data from several surveys to compute what the morality of a person's tweets are. It should be said that morality is a pretty tough issue whose nuances cannot be understood through just sentiment analysis. However, if you're like to read my original write-up on the topic, you can find it here.

I originally quickly wrote this for a small project in my AP English Language class to demonstrate certain points of morality that we had been discussing in class. As a result, most of the code isn't well-commented and is placed rather densely as a large block of inline JavaScript in the index.html file.

For those interested in seeing how it works, simply git clone the repo and place your Twitter and Mashape authentication keys in the appropriate places in the file. Feel free to contact me for any help.