
API client for CopperEgg Revealmetrics

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

CopperEgg Gem

The CopperEgg gem allows programmatic access to the CopperEgg API.


Via rubygems.org:

$ gem install copperegg

To build and install the development branch yourself from the latest source:

$ git clone git://github.com/CopperEgg/copperegg-ruby.git -b develop
$ cd copperegg-ruby
$ gem build copperegg.gemspec
$ gem install copperegg-{version}.gem

Getting Started


require 'rubygems' # not necessary with ruby 1.9 but included for completeness
require 'copperegg'
CopperEgg::Api.apikey = "sdf87xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # from the web UI

Get a metric group:

metric_group = CopperEgg::MetricGroup.find("my_metric_group")
# => "my_metric_group"
# => "My Metric Group"
# => [#<CopperEgg::MetricGroup::Metric:0x007fb43aab2570 @position=0, @type="ce_gauge", @name="metric1", @label="Metric 1", @unit="b">]

Create a metric group:

metric_group = CopperEgg::MetricGroup.new(:name => "my_new_metric_group", :label => "Cool New Group Visible Name", :frequency => 60) # data is sent every 60 seconds
metric_group.metrics << {"type"=>"ce_gauge",   "name"=>"active_connections",     "unit"=>"Connections"}
metric_group.metrics << {"type"=>"ce_gauge",   "name"=>"connections_accepts",    "unit"=>"Connections"}
metric_group.metrics << {"type"=>"ce_gauge",   "name"=>"connections_handled",    "unit"=>"Connections"}
metric_group.metrics << {"type"=>"ce_gauge",   "name"=>"connections_requested",  "unit"=>"Connections"}
metric_group.metrics << {"type"=>"ce_gauge",   "name"=>"reading",                "unit"=>"Connections"}
metric_group.metrics << {"type"=>"ce_gauge",   "name"=>"writing",                "unit"=>"Connections"}
metric_group.metrics << {"type"=>"ce_gauge",   "name"=>"waiting",                "unit"=>"Connections"}

If a metric group by the same name already exists, that one will rather than creating a new one. In addition, if the metric group was previously removed it will be restored.

metric_group2 = CopperEgg::MetricGroup.new(:name => "my_new_metric_group", :label => "New Group Version 2", :frequency => 60)
metric_group2.metrics << {"type"=>"ce_counter", "name"=>"active_connections", "unit"=>"Connections"}
metric_group2.save # this will perform an update to change the type of the metric 'active_connections' from 'ce_gauge' to 'ce_counter'

# => "my_metric_group"

Updating a metric group:

Labels, frequency, metric types and metric units can be updated and additional metrics can be added. Changes to the metric group name or names of metrics within will be ignored.

metric_group.name = "this_will_be_ignored"
metric_group.label = "My New Metric Group"
metric_group.frequency = 5
metric_group.metrics << {"type"=>"ce_counter_f", "name"=>"new_metric"}

# => "my_metric_group"
# => "My New Metric Group"
# => 5

Delete a metric group


Post samples for a metric group

CopperEgg::MetricSample.save(metric_group.name, "custom_identifier1", Time.now.to_i, "active_connections" => 2601, "connections_accepts" => 154, "connections_handled" => 128, "connections_requested" => 1342, ...)

Get samples

# Get the most recent samples for a single metric
CopperEgg::MetricSample.samples(metric_group.name, "connections_accepts")

# Get the most recent samples for multiple metrics
CopperEgg::MetricSample.samples(metric_group.name, ["connections_accepts", "connections_handled", "reading", "writing"])

# Specify a start time and duration
CopperEgg::MetricSample.samples(metric_group.name, ["connections_accepts", "connections_handled", "reading", "writing"], :starttime => 4.hours.ago, :duration => 15.minutes)

The raw JSON response is returned as specified in the API docs.

Create a dashboard from a metric group

By default, the dashboard created will be named "MetricGroupLabel Dashboard" and will have one timeline widget per metric matching all sources.

# Creates a dashboard named "My Metric Group Dashboard"
dashboard = CopperEgg::CustomDashboard.create(metric_group)

You can pass an option to specify the name of the dashboard.

dashboard = CopperEgg::CustomDashboard.create(metric_group, :name => "Cloud Servers")

If a single identifier is specified, the dashboard will be created having one value widget per metric matching the single identifier.

dashboard = CopperEgg::CustomDashboard.create(metric_group, :name => "Cloud Servers", :identifiers => "custom_identifier1")

If an array of identifiers is specified, the dashboard will be created having one timeline widget per metric matching each identifier.

dashboard = CopperEgg::CustomDashboard.create(metric_group, :name => "Cloud Servers", :identifiers => ["custom_identifier1", "custom_identifier2"])

You can limit the widgets created by metric.

dashboard = CopperEgg::CustomDashboard.create(metric_group, :name => "Cloud Servers", :identifiers => ["custom_identifier1", "custom_identifier2"], :metrics => ["reading", "writing", "waiting"])

Get a dashboard

dashboard = CopperEgg::CustomDashboard.find_by_name("My Metric Group Dashboard")

Delete a dashboard

Dashboards can be deleted like metric groups:


Questions / Problems?

There are more detailed examples in the test classes.

Full API docs are available.


Copyright 2013 CopperEgg.