
Janus-gateway plugin to bridge WebRTC audio streams

Primary LanguageC


janus-gateway custom plugin.

Build Status


This plugin is based on native janus/audiobridge plugin and adds additional functionality.

Main extensions:

  • renames plugin with janus.plugin.cm.audioroom
  • renames identification field called room with id
  • changes type of room id from integer to string
  • automatically records the audio room into configurable archives
  • creates job files and store events like new archive-finished
  • drops support for create endpoint
  • creates room transparently for join and changeroom endpoint
  • removes room if last participant leaves (for session destroy and changeroom)


; NOTE: all paths should exist beforehead

; Path for job JSONs
; job_path = /tmp/jobs

; prinf pattern for job filenames (.json is auto)
; Short usage, the following gets substituted:
; #{time}     is timestamp (guint64)
; #{rand}     is random integer (guin32)
; #{md5}      is md5 of (timestamp + plugin name + random integer)
; #{plugin}   is plugin name ("janus.plugin.cm.rtpbroadcast")
; job_pattern = job-#{md5}

; Path for recording and thumbnailing
; archive_path = /tmp/recordings

; printf pattern for recordings filenames
; Short usage, the following gets substituted:
; #{id}       is streamChannelKey (string)
; #{time}     is timestamp (guint64)
; #{type}     is type ("audio", "video" or "thumb" string)
; recording_pattern = rec-#{id}-#{time}-#{type}

Synchronous actions

It supports destroy, list, exists, listparticipants, resetdecoder actions like native janus/audiobridge plugins with change that the id is of type string.


It drops support for create and introduce creation of the room with asynchronous action join and changeroom. It records all rooms by default. The room is created with sampling of 48000 by default.


It responses with list of current rooms.


        "id": "<string>",
        "uid": "<string>",
        "sampling_rate": "<int>",
        "record": "<boolean>",
        "num_participants": "<int>",
        "description": "<string>"

Asychronous actions

It supports join, configure, changeroom, leave actions like native janus/audiobridge plugins with change that the id is of type string.


It creates room if does not exist. The room gets default values with sampling of 48000.


    "request": "join",
    "id": "<string>"


    "audioroom": "joined",
    "id": "<string>",
    "uid": "<string>",
    "userid": "<int>",
    "participants": []


It creates room if does not exist. The room gets default values with sampling of 48000. The oldroom is automatically removed if gets empty (no more participants) after change.


    "request": "changeroom",
    "id": "<string>"


    "audioroom": "roomchanged",
    "id": "<string>",
    "uid": "<string>",
    "userid": "<int>",
    "participants": []

Job files

It creates configurable job-files with plugin events. It support currently for archive-finished event.

    "data": {
        "id": "<string>",
        "uid": "<string>",
        "audio": "<archive_path/recording_pattern>.wav"
    "plugin": "janus.plugin.cm.audioroom",
    "event": "archive-finished"

The content of dumped file is of type WAV.


There is a simple testing script placed in the test/tester.py which allow for triggering basic actions on the plugin. Please find the test/README for more details.


If you got janus-gateway-audioroom from the git repository, you will first need to run the included autogen.sh script to generate the configure script.

./configure  --prefix=/opt/janus
make install