
Simple yet powerful mocking library for php

Primary LanguagePHP


Travis Build Coverage Status


Mocka is clean, structured, but still very flexible mocking framework. It follows object-oriented guidelines to create mock classes, objects and their methods. Mocks can be modified during runtime before and once created or used. It has no assertion, expectations framework built-in - still fits well into any testing framework.


Mocka is registered as composer package on packagist.

"tomaszdurka/mocka": "dev-master"

Library usage

Mocking classes

$parentClassName = 'Exception';
$class = new ClassMock('MockedException', $parentClassName);
$exception1 = $class->newInstance(['exception message as constructor argument']);
$exception2 = $class->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();

Creating object of mocked classes

$class = new ClassMock('MockedException', 'Exception');
$object = $class->newInstance('message');

Mocking methods

$class = new ClassMock('MockedException', 'Exception');

// It's also possible to mock method only for generated object
$object = $class->newInstance('message');

// It's possible to mock non-existent methods - they will work once mocked

// It's also possible to mock static methods

Modifying method behaviour

// Each method returned by any above mock methods return MethodMock object which can be manipulated
$class = new ClassMock('MockedException', 'Exception');
$mockedMethod = $class->mockMethod('getMessage');

// Set closure which will be executed when mocked method is called
$class->mockMethod('getMessage')->set(function () {
    return 'modified message';

// Set numbered callbacks
    ->set(function () {
        return 'default message';
    ->at(0, function () {
        return 'first message';
    ->at(2, function () {
        return 'third message';

// There is also shortcut to make method return certain value
$class->mockMethod('getMessages')->set('default')->at(0, 'first message');

// To check how many times method has been called simply use mocked method object
$mockedMethod = $class->mockMethod('getMessage');
// call method...
echo $mockedMethod->getCallCount();

Mocking interfaces

$countableClass = new ClassMock('Collection', null, ['Countable']);

Referring back to original method

// It's a way to add extra behaviour to original method functionality
$class = new ClassMock('MockedException', 'Exception');
$object = $class->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
$object->mockMethod('getMessage')->set(function() use ($object) {
    return 'prefix-' . $object->callOriginalMethod('getMessage', func_get_args());

Using with test framework like PHPUnit

class TestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

    use \Mocka\MockaTrait;

    public function testFoo() {
        // When using mocka trait there are two shortcut methods added to create mocked objects
        $countableExceptionClass = $this->mockClass('DateTime', ['Countable']);
        $dateTimeObject = $this->mockObject('DateTime', ['29-12-1984']);

    public function testMockingMethod() {
        $dateTimeObject = $this->mockObject('DateTime', ['29-12-1984']);
        $this->assertSame('29', $dateTimeObject->format('d'));
        $mockedFormatMethod = $dateTimeObject->mockMethod('format')->set('foo');
        $this->assertSame(0, $mockedFormatMethod->getCallCount());
        $this->assertSame('foo', $dateTimeObject->format('d'));
        $this->assertSame(1, $mockedFormatMethod->getCallCount());

    public function testMethodAssertions() {
        $pdo = $this->mockClass('PDO')->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
        $pdo->mockMethod('exec')->set(function ($statement) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('PDOStatement', $statement);