Detecting other markers
ahmedsadman opened this issue · 5 comments
Currently, the "aruco" is detecting only the marker provided in the images. But it's not working for other markers. Can you please guide on how to detect other markers?
Can you please specify what do you mean by other types of markers?
It's only detecting the marker that is provided in the image folder. I am new to Aruco Marker concept, so please correct me if I am wrong
Read the part about Marker Creation
You will have to set type of aruco dictionary
I want to detect the marker shown in the image. But I am failing, again and again, I tried all the dictionaries in cv2.aruco but none of them detects it.
Link to Image:
Can you help me with this? I read the article you provided but that didn't help me to solve this issue
@ahmedsadman , this is an incorrect marker, you probably use black background, which is overlapping with the black border.