
Soundcloud.com API wrapper written in Golang with OAuth2 support.

Primary LanguageGo

GoDoc Build Status Coverage Status

Soundcloud.com API for GO

Package is already usable, but still under heavy development, API might change! Still missing complete map of soundcloud resources to structs, helper functions, etc.

Implemented features

  • User Credentials Flow Authentication (Password Credentials)
  • Access to all GET, PUT, POST and DELETE Resources

Soon to come

  • User Authorization/Authentication
  • Media File Download/Upload

Naive Example

package main

import (

func main() {
    //  callback url is optional - nil in example
    s, _ := gosoundcloud.NewSoundcloudApi("client_id", "client_secret", nil)

    // request password credentials token - what soundcloud calls user credentials authentication
    if err = s.PasswordCredentialsToken("your_email@something.com", "your_password"); err != nil {
    // get group id 3 data
    var group_id uint64 = 3
    group, _ := s.GetGroup(group_id)
    // get group members, that have "great" in they username, description, etc
    params := gosoundcloud.NewUrlParams()
    params.Set("q", "great");
    members, _ := s.GetGroupMembers(group, params)
    //members, _ := s.GetGroupMembers(group, nil) // or get all members

    for member := range members {