
OpenAM Neo4j Universal Condition Plugin

Primary LanguageJava

OpenAM Universal Neo Policy Evaluation Plugin

This project introduces an OpenAM environment condition plugin, named Neo Universal Condition plugin, to be integrated and used by the OpenAM policy engine. The plugin interface allows IAM developers to write their own policy conditions via Neo4j Cypher query language. This provides OpenAM developers to practice graph-based access control and its effectiveness in many different authorization scenarios.

Building the Plugin

Before building the plugin, update the POM property <openam.version> to match your OpenAM version.

Also please refer to the following ForgeRock's Knowledge Base article in order to be able to download the dependencies: https://backstage.forgerock.com/knowledge/kb/article/a74096897

The line to update is:


Build the plugin using Apache Maven.

mvn install


The project build depends on is OpenAM 13.0.0-SNAPSHOT, but has been tested to work with OpenAM 12.0.0 and OpenAM 12.0.2 as well.

The plugin has been tested to work with JDK 7 and 8 and on Apache Tomcat 7 as OpenAM Container.

Installing the Plugin

After successfully building the plugin, copy the library to the WEB-INF/lib/ directory where you deployed OpenAM. For OpenAM deployed on Apache Tomcat under /openam:

cp target/*.jar /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/lib/
cp other/*.jar /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/lib/

Next, edit the policyEditor/locales/en/translation.json file to add the strings used by the policy editor so that the policy editor shows the custom subject and condition.

"conditionTypes": {
   "NeoUniversal": {
          "title": "Neo Universal Condition",
          "props": {
              "dbURL": "DB bolt Endpoint URL",
              "dbUsername": "DB Username",
              "dbPassword": "DB Password",
              "inlineParams": "Query inline Parameters (String)",
              "cypherQuery": "Cypher Query",
              "paramsJson": "Query Parameters (JSON)",
              "inlineParams": "Query inline Parameters (String)",
              "allowCypherResult": "Cypher Result for Allow-Access",
              "denyCypherResult": "Cypher Result for Deny-Access"

Restart OpenAM or the container in which it runs.


Your custom policy plugin can now be used for new policy applications.

Adding Custom Policy Implementations to Existing Policy Applications

In order to use the Neo Universal Condition policy in existing applications, you must update the applications. Note that you cannot update an application that already has policies configured. When there are already policies configured for an application, you must instead first delete the policies, and then update the application.

The following example updates the iPlanetAMWebAgentService application in the top level realm of a fresh installation.

curl \
 --request POST \
 --header "X-OpenAM-Username: amadmin" \
 --header "X-OpenAM-Password: password" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data "{}" \


curl \
 --request PUT \
 --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5wM2..." \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{
    "name": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService",
    "resourceTypeUuids": [
    "realm": "/",
    "resources": [
    "actions": {
        "POST": true,
        "PATCH": true,
        "GET": true,
        "DELETE": true,
        "OPTIONS": true,
        "HEAD": true,
        "PUT": true
    "description": "The built-in Application used by OpenAM Policy Agents.",
    "realm": "/",
    "conditions": [
    "resourceComparator": null,
    "applicationType": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService",
    "subjects": [
    "attributeNames": [],
    "saveIndex": null,
    "searchIndex": null,
    "entitlementCombiner": "DenyOverride"
}' http://openam.example.com:8088/openam/json/applications/iPlanetAMWebAgentService

Notice that the command adds "NeoUniversal" to "conditions".

The "resourceTypeUuids" can be found using

curl \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5wM2LY4SfczmdAmN0Oh33heyIkja8....." \
--get --data-urlencode '_queryFilter=name co "URL"' http://openam.example.com:8088/openam/json/resourcetypes

Trying the Neo Universal Condition

Install and configure Neo4j graph db and create appropriate nodes and relationships, so that allow/deny access can be mapped to a true/false return value from a Cypher-language query. Also set up an Apache web server, say accessible via "http://www.example.com:80", which and index.html page as a resource for testing purposes.

Using OpenAM policy editor, create a policy in the "iPlanetAMWebAgentService" of the top level realm that allows HTTP GET access to "http://www.example.com:80/*" and that makes use of the Neo Universal Condition.

    "name": "Neo Policy",
    "active": true,
    "description": "Try Neo Universal Condition",
    "resources": [
    "applicationName": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService",
    "actionValues": {
        "GET": true
    "condition": {
        "type": "NeoUniversal",
        "dbURL": "[DB bolt endpoint URL, routing is supported]",
        "dbUsername": "[Neo4j username]",
        "dbPassword": "[Neo4j password]",
        "cypherQuery": "[Cypher-language query - assume it returns 'return' which is 'true' or 'false']",
        "paramsJson": {"[PARAM_NAME]": "[PARAM_VALUE]", ...},
        "inlineParams": "PARAM_NAME1,PARAM_NAME2,...",
        "allowCypherResult": "true",
        "denyCypherResult": "false"

To test the Neo Universal Condition plugin, try accessing the resource at "http://www.example.com:80/index.html", authenticate and see if access decision matches the condition enforced by the Neo Universal Plugin. The bolt endpoint for neo4j on localhost is "bolt://localhost".

Bolt routing

Strating from 2.5.0, this plugin supports bolt routing. In 2.1.0, you can have only one bolt url as the value of dbURL, e.g., bolt:// This means even in a cluster environment, 2.1.0 can only work with one node. Support for bolt+routing protocol was added in 2.5.0. Now you can have a comma separated connection string as the dbURL, e.g.,bolt+routing://,bolt+routing://

Supported Parameters

The "cypherQuery" field of the Policy Neo4jUniversalCondition can be parameterized, i.e., it uses [PARAM_NAME]'s and these params are declared in the "paramsJson" which holds a mapping of [PARAM_NAME] to [PARAM_VALUE] pairs. Here is the list of [PARAM_VALUE]'s that can be passed.

  • "__userId": uid of the subject requesting access
  • "__resourceName": requested resource (e.g., URL)
  • "__realm": openam realm
  • "__env__{{XX}}": request environment parameter XX
  • "__token__{{XX}}": SSO Token property XX (for authenticated subjects only)
  • "__token.{{XX}}": SSO Token method XX (for authenticated subjects only)
  • "__req__{{XX}}": request parameter XX (if applicable)

Inline parameters

By default, parameters from the cypherQuery will be sent to Neo4j as parameters. However sometimes you want to replace a variable in the query with its value before sending the query to Neo4j. A typical usecase is when a node property name is a variable. In those cases, you can use inline parameters. You still need to have a mapping in cypherQuery for each inline parameter. Let's say there are __env__resource_name: resource_name and __env__action: action" in the cypher query and you want the plugin to replaces their value in the query before sending the query to Neo4j. All you need to do is to add resource_name,action to inlineParams. The support for this feature was added in 2.5.0.

Everything in this repository is licensed under the ForgeRock CDDL license: http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html

Copyright 2013-2014 ForgeRock AS