
This repository contains the codes for a simple shell project in Alx SWE program - by Jean Damascene Ngaboyimana and Jean Lionel Ndabaga

Primary LanguageC



A shell is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with an operating system. It takes user commands and executes them as processes.

Steps to Create a Simple Shell Project

  1. Write a function to read user input: The first step is to write a function that can read user input. You can use the standard library function getline() to read input from the user.

  2. Parse the user input: Once you have the user input, you need to parse it to separate the command and the arguments. You can use the strtok() function from the string.h library to tokenize the input.

  3. Create a child process: After parsing the input, you need to create a child process to execute the command. You can use the fork() function from the unistd.h library to create a child process.

  4. Execute the command: Once the child process is created, you can use the execve() function to execute the command. This function takes the command and its arguments as arguments.

  5. Wait for the child process: After the command is executed, you need to wait for the child process to finish using the wait() function.

  6. Repeat: Finally, you can repeat the above steps to read and execute user commands in a loop.

Functions Explaination

This code reads user input using getline() and tokenizes it using custom_trtok().

It then creates a child process using fork() and executes the command using execve().

Finally, it waits for the child process to finish using waitpid(). The loop continues until the user enters the exit command.