
Recruitment task for Shiplink

Primary LanguagePHP

Recruitment task for Shiplink


A simple project based on Symfony 5.4 and ApiPlatform.

Task: Shiplink - PHP Task.pdf

This application provides an API enabling users to create, cancel and recreate orders.

Live demo

API docs are available here:

Running the application locally


The preferred way to run the application is using docker-compose. You need these packages installed on your system:

  • docker (version 20 or higher)
  • docker-compose (version 1.21 or higher)

Once you have these install run the following command from the project's main directory

(cd docker/ && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build)

Managing application

Once the app is app and running you can do the following things:

Run installation script (dependencies, database, migrations etc.)

docker exec -it docker_php-fpm_1 ./init.sh

Running database migrations

docker exec -it app_php-fpm_1 bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Populating database with data from fixtures

docker exec -it app_php-fpm_1 symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load -n

Populating product database with products from https://fakestoreapi.com/

docker exec -it docker_php-fpm_1 bin/console app:update-product-database


docker exec -it docker_php-fpm_1 bin/phpunit


(cp -R ./public ./docker/nginx/public && rm -rf ./docker/php-fpm/app && cd docker/ && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build)


  • db
  • https
  • different config - dev/prod
  • timezones
  • prefixes, ${domain}
  • przejrzyj configi
  • daj cv na jdarda.pl
    • a ten projekt na jdarda.pl/shiplink-recruitment
  • optimise php/nginx/symfony for prod?
  • entrypoint stuff?

https://github.com/dunglas/symfony-docker https://blog.devsense.com/2019/php-nginx-docker https://docs.docker.com/compose/extends/

nauczylem sie

  • lightsail
  • github actions
  • github containers