
Real Time Chat

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Real Time Chat

Real Time Chat is a project built using Node, Socket.io, Mongo with Mongoose to simulate a real time chatting application. Users can signup or login using their gmail accounts, send messages to themselves or other members who are registered in the application; they can also fetch their messages.


  • Mongo
  • Node
  • Yarn / npm
  • Google API client and secret keys


  • Clone this Repo
  • Install requirements using yarn install
  • Setup the .env file from the .env.sample file
  • Start the mongo server using mongod
  • Start the server using yarn dev:start

Endpoints available

Endpoints Method Description
/login POST redirects to google signin page
/google-auth GET returns server jwt token from returned google code
/send POST sends message
/user/contacts GET returns a user's contacts
/user/contacts/messages POST returns a user's contact's messages
/contacts GET returns all app contacts

Front-end Client

Go To Client Repo