
stackoverflow-like api

Primary LanguagePython

Stackoverflow-Lite API

StackOverflow-Lite is an app that allows a user to post questions, answer other questions posted on the forum. Users can accept answers to their questions and view various statistics involved such as the number of questions asked or answered.
The api provides endpoints for signup, login, logout, retrieve all or a single question, post a question, answer a question and update an answer or accept an answer.

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Endpoints available:

http methods Endpoint route Endpoint functionality
POST /api/v1/auth/signup Creates a user account
POST /api/v1/auth/login Logs in a user
POST /api/v1/auth/logout Logs out a user
GET /api/v1/questions Get all questions on platform
POST /api/v1/questions Post a new question
GET /api/v1/questions/<question_id> Get a single question
DELETE /api/v1/questions/<question_id> Delete a question
POST /api/v1/questions/<question_id>/answers Post an answer
GET /api/v1/questions/<question_id>/answers Get all answers for a question
PUT /api/v1/questions/<question_id>/answers/<answer_id> Edit or accept an answer
POST /api/v1/questions/<question_id>/answers/<answer_id>/upvote Upvote an answer
POST /api/v1/questions/<question_id>/answers/<answer_id>/downvote Downvote an answer
GET /api/v1/users/questions Get all questions asked by user
POST /api/v1/questions/<question_id>/answers/<answer_id>/comments Post a comment
GET /api/v1/questions/<question_id>/answers/<answer_id>/comments Get all comments for an answer
PUT /api/v1/questions/<question_id>/answers/<answer_id> Edit comment
POST /api/v1/questions/search?limit=10 Search a question


  python 3
  PgAdmin (Optional)

Setting up database

To create the databases through the command line:

  $ psql postgres
  postgres=# CREATE DATABASE db_stackoverflow_lite;
  postgres=# CREATE DATABASE testdb;

Alternatively use PgAdmin:

  Open Postgres PgAdmin and create 2 databases test_db and db_stackoverflow_lite


clone repo:


create virtual environment:

virtualenv <environment name>

activate environment:

$source <path to env name>/Scripts/activate (in bash)

install dependencies:

$pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the application:

$python run.py

Running the tests

The tests for this API are written using the python module unittests. The tests are found in the folder tests. Use nose to run the tests.
To run the tests:

$nosetests tests/

To show coverage:

$nosetests tests/ --with-coverage


Go to Stackoverflow-Lite Documentation on apiary.io


The app is hosted on heroku
Go to Stackoverflow-lite

Built with

Flask, a python framework


Njeri Ngigi