
This repository's code is part of S.O.S., a Shower/Stall Occupancy System.


Parts List

  • WeMos D1 Mini v2
  • PIR sensor
  • Reed sensor
  • 5V micro USB plug

Circuit Diagrams

Shower Sensor Node

Screen Shot 2024-04-03 at 1 39 03 AM

Toilet Stall Sensor Node

Screen Shot 2024-04-03 at 1 34 20 AM


This code was made in and should be uploaded to the ESP8266 via the Arduino IDE.


  1. Install an MQTT broker (e.g. Mosquitto). Make sure the daemon is running before step 6.
  2. Install the Arduino IDE: Ensure you have this program set up on your computer to compile and upload the code in this repository.
  3. Install required libraries:
    • ESP8266WiFi
    • Ticker
    • AsyncMqttClient
    • SoftwareSerial
  4. Configure the project:
    • Rename example.config.h to config.h.
    • Open config.hand update it with your WiFi credentials, MQTT broker details, and topics.
  5. Set up the circuit according to the diagrams above.
  6. Upload the code:
    • Open occupancy-sensing.ino with the Arduino IDE.
    • Select your ESP8266 board under Tools > Board.
    • Compile and upload the code to your ESP8266.
  7. Monitor and test:
    • Open the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE to view debug messages.
    • Verify the device connects to WiFi and the MQTT broker.
    • Test occupancy detection functionality.