
Temporary storage for the CS4500 Project done in Spring 2017

Primary LanguagePython


MSD Repo for CS4500 Spring 2017


To establish a database connection, first rename the alembic.ini.EXAMPLE file to alembic.ini. In alembic.ini, set sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://<user>:<pass>@<host>/<dbname>

Set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to the top level directory Massachusetts-Bay-Transit-Authority-1, so that Alembic database migration scripts can run.


This project relies on at least python 3.4.

To activate the virtual environment run source ./bin/activate.sh from the project root. This should:

  • Check that you are using the correct python version.
  • Create the virtual environment if it doesn't exist.
  • Install dependencies listed in requirements.txt
  • Activate the virtual environment

There is a Makefile to aid development. It's features may change but at the moment it can:

  • make lint # Run python linter
  • make test # Run python unittests
  • make run <module> <args...> # Runs python -m mbtaalerts.<module> <args...>
  • make freeze # freeze dependencies to requirements.txt
  • make install # Runs the active.sh script, although it won't source

You don't need to active the python environment for this to work


To upgrade to the most recent version of the database schema.

cd Massachusetts-Bay-Transit-Authority-1
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
cd mbtaalerts
CONFIG="../settings.cfg" alembic upgrade head


This project uses NoseTests2 to automatically discover unittests. You can run this manually using nose2 or using the Makefile make test.