
Local environment for coding challenges

Primary LanguageRust



proctor is a framework in Rust that setups up a local environment for coding challenges, such as those from LeetCode, allowing one to attempt the coding challenge in the comfort of one's IDE/editor and dev environment.

Currently supported languages:

  • C++
  • Python
  • Rust


General Requirements

Language-Specific Requirements


Building from source

To build from source, clone this repository, and then run:

cargo build --release --locked -p runner

The built binary will be target/release/proctor.


Configure proctor by supplying a config.json file:

  "project_dir": "{{ PATH_TO_PROCTOR }}",
  "sol_dir": "{{ PATH_TO_SOLUTIONS_DIRECTORY }}",
  "lang": {
    // ...
    "{{ LANG_EXT }}": {
      "{{ LSP }}": {
    // ...

Refer to example_config.json for more details on configuration for different languages and LSPs.

Setting up sol_dir

To set up the local dev environment based at sol_dir for proctor, run:

proctor setup

Installing libraries

To install the language-specific libraries for coding problems, compile each language-specific libraries, which are under the lib/ directory.

  • C++:
    clang++ -std=c++20 -stdlib=libc++ -Wall -I${PWD}/lib/cpp/src -c -fPIC lib/cpp/src/[SOURCE]/[DATA_STRUCTURE].cpp -o lib/cpp/build/[SOURCE]_[DATA_STRUCTURE].o
    clang++ -std=c++20 -stdlib=libc++ -Wall -shared lib/cpp/build/*.o -o lib/cpp/build/libproctor.so
  • Python:
    source [PATH_TO_SOLUTIONS_DIRECTORY]/venv/py311/bin/activate
    pip install -e lib/py
  • Rust:
    cargo build --release --locked -p proctor


Fetching question

To fetch a question, run:

proctor fetch ID LANG [SOURCE]

proctor will fetch data related to the question specified and render it as [PATH_TO_SOLUTIONS_DIRECTORY]/[SOURCE]/[ID]/sol.[LANG].

Compile and test solution

To compile and test a solution, run:

proctor run ID LANG [SOURCE]

proctor will compile and test the solution at [PATH_TO_SOLUTIONS_DIRECTORY]/[SOURCE]/[ID]/sol.[LANG].