Intel Science and Technology Center for Visual Computing

Primary LanguageRuby

Intel Visual Computing Center

This is the website for the Intel Science and Technology Center for Visual Computing. The center for visual computing is a joint effort between 8 universities and a set of industry sponsors led by Intel, with Stanford serving as the hub of this center.

Website Contents

The website consists of a public-facing side that presents the intent, progress and outcome of the center.

  • Main page - overview of center, research in progress and research results, reports
  • Overall vision and progress - steering committee info and quarterly reports
  • Themes and Projects - overall categories and projects in each category. will be cross-referenced with people. Each theme should have a centrally maintained page, each project should have a project page that is easily updated by admin people associated with projects. Cross-referenced with publications and talks.
  • People - will be cross-referenced with projects.
  • Publications and Talks - as research results are produced. must be easy to update and maintain, each paper and talk should have its own page mostly autogenned.

The website should also have a functional side for tying together research activities:

Anything that supports collaboration is good!

  • Repository information for collaborators
  • Calendar editable by admins
  • Repositories for code/papers/ideas shared amongst researchers
  • Activities pages for official get-togethers, meetings, etc.
  • Talk details

Website Architecture

Most of the website will be fairly static (changing maybe once a week to once a month). Rather than deal with a fully dynamic site, the main site is written in Haskell using the Hakyll static site generator. Internal pages that require dynamic stuff can be handled by a dynamic system of our choice, possibly multiple. If static sites become too difficult, it's easy enough to turn a Hakyll site into a Rails/Django/Play/Lift site.

Libraries and Resources used:

To Build and Preview:

Once Off, to install Hakyll (assuming you have Haskell):

cabal install hakyll

Needed when file structure changes:

ghc --make hakyll.hs

Will recompile changed files without having to restart server:

./hakyll preview