
DEPRECATED PROJECT: A replica of core chazam functionality

Primary LanguageC


Written on OS X 10.6.4

Assumes macports, with installed ports:

  • libmad
  • sqlite (?) somewhere to store lots of hashing data.
  • freeimage (?) cause i wanna draw spectrums.


Build a duplicate detection system for your library that doesn't suck like itunes.

As for code style... STFU and hack it. A weird combination of C and C++. Hey maybe i'll throw some templates in there just to confuse stuff. One day will be refactoring day, but that day is still far off.


The origins of this project is inspired by two blog posts:

The blog posts were inspired by the original paper:

  • "An Industrial-Strength Audio Search Algorithm", A. Wang, Shazam Entertainment

Using MAD:

Useful GIT stuff: