
An hybrid yaml/node editor for Tidal Cycles, based on Strudel.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Just another flat file livecoding environment.

Check out the demo website!


Jaffle is an hybrid yaml/node editor for Tidal-cycles, based on Strudel.

It aims to make algorithmic music more accessible for people who are not familiar with programming languages.

Under the hood, Jaffle is a transpiler generating JavaScript code, which is then interpreted by Strudel.


  • node editor to visualize and edit tunes without writing code
  • easy to read yaml syntax (albeit ususally a bit more verbose than Strudel, because less compact)
  • use lambda functions, expressions, variable definitions, and more
  • includes all Strudel examples converted into Jaffle


  • allow to import Strudel tunes
  • create a desktop app


Go to the syntax section in the Jaffle website (or alternatively read its source if necessary).

Technical stack

Jaffle stands on the shoulders of giants:


See the contribution guide!


Jaffle transpilers, editors and website

Strudel engine

Pre-loaded sounds