CPU Load Monitoring project

Node.js CI

Available Scripts

  • npm start - runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser;
  • startServer - runs a NodeJS server which listens to 8080 port on http requests and WebSocket connections ( path: /ws);
  • build - builds the app for production to the build folder;
  • test:ut:watch - runs jest testing environment in a watch mode and executes all available unit tests;
  • test:ut - as above, but it executes UTs in a single run;
  • test:it:dev - builds the application, opens a server which serves the static assets from build directory and opens the Cypress Test Runner;
  • test:it - as above, but it doesn't run the Cypress Test Runner, but the ITs are executed in a single run;
  • eslint - performs static code analysis.

Alerting logic - State Machine

State Machine

The alerting logic is described by the above diagram. The feature's state is a state machine. Its correctness is verified by unit tests in the file: ./src/state/reducers.test.ts.


Only reducers (including the transitions between state machine's states) are covered by unit tests.

Integration tests mocks the back-end and verify the application from the user perspective. Tests cases are not independent of each other - their order describes a certain test scenario.

Open-ended questions

How you would extend or improve your application design if you were building this for production?

Things to improve related specifically to application (UI/UX) design:

  • improve layout responsiveness;
  • add an ability to switch to the dark mode;
  • add an ability to switch to the compact mode (smaller font sizes, spacings etc.);

Nice-to-have feature propositions:

  • add an ability to re-arrange the position and size of the panels on Dashboard as user wishes;
  • add an ability to pick a custom time ranges on all panels (that would require B/E support);
  • add more options to customize visual aspects of the panels (background color, text colors, stylize time series etc.);
  • improve alerting feature - browser should trigger browser notifications so that user knows that CPU is under heavy load even if she/he is not on the app's tab;
  • add an ability to customize parameters / thresholds such as 10 seconds (data points fetching frequency) or 2 minutes ( duration used in alerting logic) or 0 % - 60 % - 100 % (low/medium/high CPU load thresholds);

Tech stack:


  • React as the application view layer tool,
  • Redux as a state management tool,
  • cypress for integration tests,
  • jest for unit tests,
  • create-react-app as a tool for generating a project scaffolding,
  • WebSocket API as a communication protocol, which provides with full-duplex communication channel over a single TCP connection between F/E and B/E,
  • canvasJS for time series visualisation,
  • ag-grid for data table visualisation.


  • NodeJS + express,
  • nginx,
  • certbot + Let's encrypt certificate authority for generating a SSL/TSL certificate.


  • the application is deployed e2e on AWS: https://cpu-load-monitoring.com/,
  • used services: AWS EC2, AWS Route53,
  • used Sumo Logic Real User Monitoring,
  • configured Github Actions workflow, which runs eslint, unit and integration tests.


  • add logging to the server