
Scrape and graph the NZ Holiday Road Death numbers w/10y moving average


NZ Holiday Road Toll Numbers
Nat Torkington <nathan@torkington.com> @gnat
Released under the Artistic license 2.0, 3 Jan 2012

Builds a web page with a graph of the holiday road toll numbers, with
moving average (and the same again, normalized for population change).
I wanted to answer the question "is this year's figure hideously
anomalous, or is it within the usual variation?"

Sample usage:
  01-slurp | 02-htmlize > out.html

See http://nathan.torkington.com/blog/2012/01/02/holiday-road-toll/
for more information.

 * Perl 5 with Text::CSV and List::Util
 * LWP::Simple
 * HTML::TableExtract
 * jqPlot (http://jqplot.com, included)


01-slurp is the Perl script to visit the NZ Transport website,
download the HTML table of holiday road fatalities, and extract out
the deaths number. It emits a CSV file.

02-htmlize produces HTML from that CSV, using jquery and jqPlot.

out.html is sample output.

deaths.csv is sample output of 01-slurp

deaths.numbers is Apple Numbers spreadsheet of the deaths.csv data,
with chart, as a prototype of what I wanted to create.

population.csv is population history of NZ, taken from
They provide it in Excel format, so I've extracted the relevant info
as a CSV. Would love to automate it, but can't be bothered messing
around with automatedly pulling data from Excel files.

js/ contains jQuery and jqPlot