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Pinned Repositories
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's GFT Start #3 Java with the instruction of specialist Camila Cavalcante. Learning to abstract a Bootcamp Using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java.
Project developed in Digital Innovation One's GFT Start #3 .NET with expert instruction Felipe Aguiar. Learning to Abstract a Role Playing Game Using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with C#.
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's Bootcamp Database Experience with expert guidance Juliana Mascarenhas.
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's Take Blip Web Developer Bootcamp with instruction from specialist Denilson Bonatti. Building your first spaceship game.
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's Sportheca Mobile Developer Bootcamp with the instruction of specialist Igor Bagliotti. Learning to Create a Business Card App in Kotlin. In this project, learn to develop a native Android App for the creation and data of cards, containing the following: name, company, phone, email and background color. All this using Room for the data locally.
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's JavaScript Game Developer Bootcamp learning developing a memory game
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's Bootcamp HTML Web Developer with guidance from specialist Gabriela Pinheiro. Project Recreating Instagram homepage
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's Bootcamp HTML Web Developer with expert guidance Felipe Aguiar. Recreating the Netflix Interface.
Project developed at Bootcamp Geração Tech Unimed-BH | Digital Innovation One fullstack with expert guidance João Santos.
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