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Pinned Repositories
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's GFT Start #3 Java with the instruction of specialist Camila Cavalcante. Learning to abstract a Bootcamp Using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java.
Project developed in Digital Innovation One's GFT Start #3 .NET with expert instruction Felipe Aguiar. Learning to Abstract a Role Playing Game Using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with C#.
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's Bootcamp Database Experience with expert guidance Juliana Mascarenhas.
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's Take Blip Web Developer Bootcamp with instruction from specialist Denilson Bonatti. Building your first spaceship game.
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's Sportheca Mobile Developer Bootcamp with the instruction of specialist Igor Bagliotti. Learning to Create a Business Card App in Kotlin. In this project, learn to develop a native Android App for the creation and data of cards, containing the following: name, company, phone, email and background color. All this using Room for the data locally.
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's JavaScript Game Developer Bootcamp learning developing a memory game
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's Bootcamp HTML Web Developer with guidance from specialist Gabriela Pinheiro. Project Recreating Instagram homepage
Project developed at Digital Innovation One's Bootcamp HTML Web Developer with expert guidance Felipe Aguiar. Recreating the Netflix Interface.
Project developed at Bootcamp Geração Tech Unimed-BH | Digital Innovation One fullstack with expert guidance João Santos.
njtsb1's Repositories
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Building a Big Data Ecosystem on the AWS Cloud and Learning to Work with the word counter algorithm.
Learning to use relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) resources in the same database (DynamoDB). Understanding a little of the possibilities of this fully managed AWS database.
Project developed at the Bootcamp Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour with guidance from specialist Carlos Gomes. Learning how to create the organization's export process from your invoice to BigQuery to have more control over your company's project expenses.
Learning to build an API with Json-Server that consumes data in a message feed developed in Angular.
Learning how to connect the project with the PostgreSQL database and creating queues. Create and implement reservation and seat blocking services on an airplane. And finally, create a microservice for sending emails using the SendGrid email service and communicating this microservice with the plane seat reservation service.
Certificates Soft Skills and Hard Skills
Project developed at the Bootcamp Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour with guidance from specialist Carlos Gomes. Learning how to create CI/CD Pipeline with Cloud Build and Terraform. Explore creating a CI/CD pipeline with Google Cloud Build and Terraform for Infrastructure as Code provisioning.
Project developed at the Bootcamp NTT DATA Diversity in Tech with guidance from specialist Diogo Mainardes. Learning how to create a Website with a very basic structure, using the tags learned during the practical classes attended during the courses.
Project developed at the Bootcamp Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour with guidance from specialist Denilson Bonatti. Learning how to create a deployment of a complete application with frontend, backend and mysql database.
Learning how to develop an e-commerce using React with Redux, as well as exploring two of the main styling solutions, Material UI and Bootstrap.
Learning how to create the initial interface of the iFood application, with a list of restaurants, a carousel of banners and categories.
Project developed at the Bootcamp Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour with guidance from specialist Denilson Bonatti. Learning how to use Docker Compose to run an HTML application in an Apache Container.
Project developed at the Bootcamp Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour with guidance from specialist Carlos Gomes. Learning to customize your dashboard and modify your language.
Learning about Pandas, an open source Python library for data analysis, which gives Python the ability to work with spreadsheet-like data, allowing it to quickly load, manipulate, and combine data, among other functions.
Learning to Create a Star Wars Spaceship Manager with SQL Server + .NET.
Project developed at the Bootcamp Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour with guidance from specialist Carlos Gomes. Learning how to create alerts and a real budget definition to control their use within the GCP platform and understand in practice how Billing settings work.
Project developed at the Bootcamp Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour with guidance from specialist Denilson Bonatti. Learning how to create a local Swarm Cluster, using virtual machines, in addition to applying our knowledge in Vagrant
Project developed at the Bootcamp Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour with guidance from specialist Denilson Bonatti. Learning how to create an application deployment pipeline with image production scenarios with Docker and creating deployments in a cloud Kubernetes cluster using GCP.
Project developed at the Bootcamp Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour with guidance from specialist Carlos Gomes. Learning how to build a diagram of an organizational structure and its access group to improve understanding of creating cloud projects.
Creating Models with Python and Machine Learning to Predict the Evolution of COVID-19 in Brazil
Learning how to create a currency/exchange conversion App, going through the entire development process using Kotlin.
Exploring the power of SQL in Amazon Athena, a BigData tool on AWS. And knowing this interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL.
Project developed at the Bootcamp Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour with guidance from specialist Carlos Gomes. Learning to use Google's Cloud Shell and git.
Learning to create an AWS cloud infrastructure with API Gateway, DynamoDB, AWS Lambda and AWS CloudFormation using the Serverless framework for development based on Infrastructure as a Code.
Learning how to create a Native Android App using the Java programming language, exploring the most current native components offered by Android Jetpack.
Creating a ReactJS News App using PWA
Learning to build a web search engine for restaurants, similar to the service Google offers.
API (provided via GitHub Pages) of the "Soccer News" App - Native App About Women's Football with Android Jetpack and Java
Learning to apply the Transfer Learning method in a Deep Learning network in the Python language in the COLAB environment. In this project, the database of photos of cats and dogs was used.