This app is a task management backend application that helps users track their tasks and view the status of the respectice tasks.

Getting started

On your terminal create a new rails application with postgresql database using the command below:

rails new TaskManager --d postgresql --skip-javascript

Once the app has been created change directory to the new application:

cd TaskManager

Head on to your preffered IDE to begin program setup.

Generate Model

Generate your task model by running:

rails generate model Task name:string description:text status:string

Database setup

Create your database by running :

rails db:create

Then run your migration as follows:

rails db:migrate

This creates your app schema. Define your models to meet your requirements.

Generate Controllers

Generate your controller for your task as follows:

rails generate controller Tasks

Navigate to your controllers file and define your desired methods. Then navigate tour routes.rb and define the routes for your endpoints.

Technologies Used

Ruby on rails Postgresql