
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Instance of Interest Detection


backports.functools-lru-cache==1.6.1 certifi==2019.11.28 cffi==1.14.0 cycler==0.10.0 Cython==0.29.16 easydict==1.9 kiwisolver==1.1.0 matplotlib==2.2.5 numpy==1.16.6 opencv-python== Pillow==6.2.2 protobuf==3.11.3 pycparser==2.20 pyparsing==2.4.6 python-dateutil==2.8.1 pytz==2019.3 PyYAML==5.3.1 scipy==1.2.3 six==1.14.0 subprocess32==3.5.4 tensorboardX==2.0 tensorflow==1.1.0 torch==0.4.0 torchvision==0.2.1 tqdm==4.44.1


Install Environment

conda create --name <env-name> python=2.7
conda activate <env-name>
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install Matlab

We adopt the implementation of evaluation functions in HICO dataset from TIN(actually from iCAN or former), so matlab runtime environment is needed. There are no restrictions on versions, you can download matlab from its official website and install according to the tutorial.

Install Libraries

1. cd ./lib/
2. sh make.sh # if there is already './lib/pycocotools/_mask.so' exsits, delete it before step 3
3. cd ./model/nms
4. sh make.sh

Prepare Data

1. Download Datasets

We perform our experiments in 'vcoco' and 'hico(v2016)' dataset. We follow the setting of TIN as our original dataset, and then use WSHP to extract human body part regions in hico and vcoco dataset respectively. Considering that the body part regions data is too large(>100GB for test and >500GB for training) while the code runs fast, we provide prepared dataset except human body part regions:

You can download the datasets and extract them to './data/hico/' and './data/vcoco/' respectively.

2. Calculate Human Body Part Regions

We provide the fine-tuned WSHP code in './WSHP', you can run it following these steps:

1. # download pretrained-model for WSHP and then extract to './WSHP/parsing_network/models/'.
2. cd ./WSHP/parsing_network/
3. rm filename.txt
4. # config the dataset path in 'generate_flist.sh' (in line 3 - 6)
5. chmod +x generate_flist.sh
6. sh generate_flist.sh
7. # config the dataset path in 'inference.py' (in line 30 - 33)
8. python inference.py
9. # move the output from './WSHP/parsing_network/output/' to './data/hico/humans/' or './data/vcoco/humans/'

Pretrained Model

You can download some pretrained models from:

After that, you should extract them respectively in:

  • for WSHP: './WSHP/parsing_network/models/'
  • for hico: './weights/res101/hico_full/'
  • for vcoco: './weights/res101/vcoco_full/'

Note: The pretrained model for vcoco provided here performs better than that in our paper, while we just increase some training epoches.

Pre-computed Results

If you don't want to wait for test, we also provide our pre-computed results in test set for fast evaluation:

You can download and extract them to './output/hico_full/' and './output/vcoco_full/' respectively.

Quick Start


Before custom your own training progress, you have to download a pretrained weights to initialize the model(VGG16 or ResNet101), and put it into './data/pretrained_model/'. You can train you own model by running the following script:

python trainval_net.py −−dataset hico_full −−checkepoch 6 --checkpoint 91451


python trainval_net.py −−dataset vcoco_full −−checkepoch 18 --checkpoint 10051


Based on the pretrained model, you can predict all the images in the dataset by running the following script:

python test_net_hico.py


python test_net_vcoco.py

If you have already downloaded the pre-computed test results, the detection stage will be automaticly skipped, and the test results will be evaluated.


After generating the test results, You can simply run scripts below to visualize the result of an random selected image.

python demo_vcoco.py

You can also custom 'im_id' param to select a specific image to visualize, or 'show_category' param to select whether to show interaction and object categories or not. The complete script is as follows:

python demo_vcoco.py --im_id <int> --show_category <True | False>


Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3brpk0bdq60nyb/vgg16_caffe.pth?dl=0
VT Server: https://filebox.ece.vt.edu/~jw2yang/faster-rcnn/pretrained-base-models/vgg16_caffe.pth
Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4515251
Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iev3tkbz5wyyuz9/resnet101_caffe.pth?dl=0
VT Server: https://filebox.ece.vt.edu/~jw2yang/faster-rcnn/pretrained-base-models/resnet101_caffe.pth
Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4513878


	author = {Sun, Xu and Hu, Xinwen and Ren, Tongwei and Wu, Gangshan},
	year = {2020},
	month = {06},
	pages = {26-34},
	title = {Human Object Interaction Detection via Multi-level Conditioned Network},
	doi = {10.1145/3372278.3390671}