
A collection of MATLAB scripts and programs for handling wrfout file.


Program Installation:
    The folder contains all the necessary functions for program. However to 
add the path of the functions to call them from anywehre use the following 
command in the matlab prompt - 

>>> addpath('path_to_the_folder', '-end');

How to use:

To extract data run the script called "scriptHecHMSDataPrep.m". Either run
it from the graphical interface using F5 or use the following command in the
command prompt -

>>> scriptHecHMSDataPrep

It will ask for a file with .nc ending. It will invoke the graphical or text 
input as required. 

Give the bounding box of the range to be extracted, and a csv file will be
created for the points available and conforming with the TRMM grid points.