
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Make sure that you have the last stable NodeJS and yarn version.

  • Do not delete the yarn.lock file


Navigate to the project root folder using terminal and install the dependencies.

yarn || npm install;


After the installation is complete, you can launch dev server by running.

yarn dev || npm run dev

This starts a local webserver at http://localhost:3000 and auto detect file changes:


yarn build || npm run build

Folder structure

├── public/
|   └── assets/
|       └── images/
├── pages/
    ├── address
    ├── admin
    ├── orders
    ├── payment-methods
    ├── product
    ├── profile
    ├── shops
    ├── support
    ├── 50+ Other pages
├── src/
|   ├── __server__/
|   |   ├── __api__
|   |   |   ├── all api functions create inside
|   |   ├── __db__
|   |   |   ├── all dummy data inside
|   ├── animations
|   ├── components/
|   |   ├── icons
|   |   ├── layouts
|   |   |   ├── customer-dashboard
|   |   |   ├── vendor-dashboard
|   |   |   └── And shop layouts
|   |   └── Includes reusable atomic components
|   ├── contexts
|   ├── data
|   ├── hooks
|   ├── models
|   ├── page-sections
|   |   └── Includes bigger components (these components contain hard coded data)
|   ├── theme
|   ├── utils
|   ├── lib
└── README.md


Bazaar react follows Next.js routing standard. All the routes/pages are inside pages folder.


Component structure are straight forward.

  • Reusable atomic components are located in src/components/
  • Bigger static components are located in src/page-sections
    • Static component means, these components has static data which you may want to modify

Shop Layouts

All the shop layouts are inside src/components/layouts Layout headers are located in src/components/header

Shop Navigation

  • Shop horizontal navbar navigation data is stored in src/data/navbarNavigations.ts
  • Category dropdown navigation data is stored in src/data/navigations.ts

Admin Dashboard

  • Admin dashboard pages are inside pages/admin.
  • Admin dashboard layout components are inside src/components/layouts/vendor-dashboard

Admin Navigaiton

  • Admin navigation data is stored in src/components/layouts/vendor-dashboard/NavigationList.tsx.


  • theme/MuiTheme.tsx is the main theme file.
  • theme/themeColors.ts Contains theme colors (Primary, Secondary & etc.)
  • theme/components.js Overrides the MUI default component styles
  • theme/typography.ts Sets fontFamily and fontSize

Existing color themes

We have multiple color theme for different shops. E.G. Default, Grocery, Health & etc. themeOptions.ts file returns one color theme based on currently displayed demo on browser(by detecting url path)

Of course you don't need this. You can delete themeOptions.ts file and rename themeOptionsSample.ts to themeOptions.ts

Now themeOptions.ts file will always return one color theme.


Open src/contexts/SettingContext.tsx and change the value of direction to 'rtl' const initialSettings: SettingsOptions = { direction: "rtl" };


  • REST API calls are located in src/__server__/__api__

Fake server

  • REST APIs are getting data from dummy server located in src/__server__/__db__
  • This server serves dummy data. You need to implement your own server.

Navbar Menus Structure

const navbarNavigations = [
    title: "Home",
    megaMenu: false,
    megaMenuWithSub: false,
    child: [
      { title: "Super Store", url: "/market-1" },
      { title: "Furniture", url: "/furniture-shop" },
      { title: "Grocery-v1", url: "/grocery1" },
      { title: "Grocery-v2", url: "/grocery2" },
      { title: "Grocery-v3", url: "/grocery3" },
      { title: "Health and Beauty", url: "/healthbeauty-shop" },
      { title: "Fashion", url: "/fashion-shop" },
      { title: "Gift Store", url: "/gift-shop" },
      { title: "Gadget", url: "/gadget-shop" },

    megaMenu: true,
    megaMenuWithSub: false,
    title: "All Demos",
    child: megaMenus,
    megaMenu: false,
    megaMenuWithSub: true,
    title: "Categories",
    child: categoriesMegaMenu,

Mega Menu Structure

const megaMenus = [
      title: "Grocery",
      child: [
        { title: "Grocery-v1", url: "/grocery1" },
        { title: "Grocery-v2", url: "/grocery2" },
        { title: "Grocery-v3", url: "/grocery3" },
      title: "Others",
      child: [
        { title: "Health and Beauty", url: "/healthbeauty-shop" },
        { title: "Fashion", url: "/fashion-shop" },
        { title: "Gift Store", url: "/gift-shop" },
        { title: "Gadget", url: "/gadget-shop" },

Categories With Sub Categories Mega Menus Structure

const categoriesMegaMenu = [
    title: "Fashion",
    child: [
        title: "Men's Fashion",
        child: [
          { title: "T-Shirt", url: "#", Icon: Icons.Shirt },
          { title: "Shirt", url: "#", Icon: Icons.Shirt },
          { title: "Shoes", url: "#", Icon: Icons.Shirt },
          { title: "Jeans Pant", url: "#", Icon: Icons.Shirt },
          { title: "Gabardin Pant", url: "#", Icon: Icons.Shirt },
          { title: "Formal Pant", url: "#", Icon: Icons.Shirt },
          { title: "Formal Shirt", url: "#", Icon: Icons.Shirt },
          { title: "Sunglass", url: "#", Icon: Icons.Shirt },
        title: "Women's Fashion",
        child: [
          { title: "Clothing", url: "#" },
          { title: "Shoes", url: "#" },
          { title: "Jewelry", url: "#" },
          { title: "Watches", url: "#" },
          { title: "Hand Bags", url: "#" },
          { title: "Accessories", url: "#" },
          { title: "Makeup", url: "#" },

        title: "Girls' Fashion",
        child: [
          { title: "Clothing", url: "#" },
          { title: "Shoes", url: "#" },
          { title: "Jewelry", url: "#" },
          { title: "Watches", url: "#" },
          { title: "Hand Bags", url: "#" },
          { title: "Gadget", url: "#" },


Need Support? Create a ticket HERE Or Send us an email at support@ui-lib.com.



Nov 12, 2022
  • Redesign Mock Api and Data with Model
  • Add Data Models for Product, Category, Shop Etc.
  • Add Product Preview Image Feature with Delete Button
  • Update User, Admin Dashboard all Pages With SSR
  • Add useScoller Hook
  • Add Currency function
  • Update Documentation
  • Update All Packages and Library


Aug 28, 2022
  • Add one Market homepage
  • Add two Fashion homepages
  • Add SEO component
  • Update layout code structure


Jul 03, 2022
  • Add Mega menu and Fullscreen dropdown menu


Jun 16, 2022
  • Add Admin/Vendor dashboard (25+ pages)
  • Add RTL Support
  • Update npm packages


Apr 18, 2022
  • Fix Build issue (added resolutions & overrides in package.json)


Mar 21, 2022
  • Fix Eslint errors


Dec 28, 2021
  • Add 5 new storefront variations
  • Fix small UI issues


Oct 28, 2021
  • Add JavaScript version
  • Add REST API to Grocery shop
  • Update to Next.js v12 and MUI v5.


Aug 25, 2021
  • Migrate makeStyles API to v5
  • Fix next/image issues
  • Add a new page "Shop v4"


Aug 12, 2021
  • Add a new page "Shop v3"


Aug 1, 2021
  • Fix dashboard mobile navigation


Jul 1, 2021

Initial release


  1. More funcional cart, cookie
  2. List of all APIs/Functions

Doc points

. app entry poin . page props . component props . SEO . Cart . navigation component structure and data structure