
A Discord bot for my friend

Primary LanguageTypeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Tammy Music Bot

This is a music bot on Discord, for my friend Tammy#1121.


  1. Clone this repo.
$ git clone https://github.com/nk980113/music-bot.git
  1. Install dependcies.
$ npm install
  1. Build bot file.
$ npm run build
  1. Edit ex.config.json, and rename it "config.json".
   "clientId": "ID here",
   "token": "token here",
   "deploy": true
  1. Deploy slash commands.
$ node deploy.js
  1. Make your bot online.
$ node bot.js

PS. Step 5. and 6. can be done in 1 line:

$ npm run deploy-and-start


Thanks for @B-l-u-e-b-e-r-r-y, who provide this repo. The whole structure of this repo is from the repo he/she provides.