python35repobuilder - Python 3.5 Module builder RHEL 6 License: GPLv3 (Except where noted in subpackages) Maintainer: Nico Kadel-Garcia Maintainer Email: Usage: make [ install ] - build, and install for local access, the full build requirements for aws in diferent operating systems This is the default bootstrap operation. make build - try and build all the components in the local environment, without using "mock" make all - build all comopnents using "mock" and the local PYTHON repository, called "pythonrepo" Requirements: This toolkit requires the following tools: * The "mock" software for building RPM's, available from EPEL for RHEL based cystems. * Spare diskspace at /var/lib/mock and /var/cache/mock for the builky builds of mock chroot environments. * Reliable access to yum repositories for CentOS, RHEL, or Scietific Linux repositories, for the standard "mock" configuration. * Reliable access to the IUS repository, needed for Python 3.5 access. This repo is *not* compatible with "software collections" from RHEL or CentOS. * Membership in the "mock" group for permissions to exucute the mock software. * PATH setting or an alias that accfess "/usr/bin/mock", not "/usr/sbin/mock".
Build Python 3.5 packages for RHEL 6 based systems with IUS version of Python 3.5