
Basic CloudKit web authentication plugin for getting ckWebAuthToken on all platforms.

Primary LanguageJava


Basic CloudKit authentication plugin. v1 is Capacitor 4, v2 is Capacitor 5, v3 is Capacitor 6.


npm install capacitor-cloudkit
npx cap sync


Each different platform requires a different ckAPIToken.

  • Web: Token configured for postMessage.
  • iOS: Token configured to redirect to your container's URL scheme. It'll show up on the CloudKit dashboard in a dropdown when you create an API key. Mine is cloudkit-icloud.baseline.getbaseline.app://, so I'll be using that as an example. I set mine to cloudkit-icloud.baseline.getbaseline.app://callback.
  • Android: Token configured to redirect to https://example.com or some similar existant but blank domain.

Setup (iOS)

  • Add your callback URL as a URL scheme in your app, in the Info tab. (e.g. cloudkit-icloud.baseline.getbaseline.app)
  • Add the following to the beginning of func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool in AppDelegate:
if (url.scheme == "PUT CALLBACK URL SCHEME HERE (e.g. cloudkit-icloud.baseline.getbaseline.app)") {
    NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name("cloudkitLogin"), object: url);



authenticate(options: SignInOptions) => Promise<{ ckWebAuthToken: string; }>
Param Type
options SignInOptions

Returns: Promise<{ ckWebAuthToken: string; }>


fetchRecord(options: FetchRecordOptions) => Promise<any>

Only available on iOS.

Param Type
options FetchRecordOptions

Returns: Promise<any>



Prop Type
containerIdentifier string
environment 'development' | 'production'
ckAPIToken string


Prop Type
containerIdentifier string
database 'private' | 'public' | 'shared'
by 'recordName'
recordName string