Exareme Spark

Exareme Spark is an extension of Apache Spark, which supports virtual tables. Furthermore, user-defined functions and user-defined aggregate functions are supported already from Apache Spark.

How to register a virtual table

  • Create a Java class with the name of the desired virtual table
  • The constructor of this class should have the same arguments as the virtual table
  • This java class should contain a mapReduce function, where users write the code for the functionality of the virtual table, create a view or table (better to be temporary) and then return its name.


  • This java class should be placed to madgik/mySpark/vtFunctions

How to run the application on terminal

  • mvn clean compile assembly:single, use this command so as to compile the maven project
  • A jar file would be produced
  • Run the .jar with the java -jar NameOfJar.jar
  • A console should appear, so as to write sql queries

How to write a sql query with virtual table


There are some vtable functions in the path /madgik/mySpark/vtFunctions so as to test the application or write your own based on them.

$ SELECT * FROM FOO(',','/pathOfFile.txt')
$ SELECT * FROM BOO(',',(SELECT * FROM FOO(',','/pathOfFile.txt')))

Built-in virtual table functions


Breaks a single apache log row into multiple fields.

$ select * from apachelogsplit('/path/of/access_log')


Returns a random sample_size set of rows.

$ select * from sample(HowMany,(select * from apachelogsplit('/path/of/access_log')))

New feautures

  • Improved console (auto-complete, command history, new design)
  • ReservedWords.txt file contains reserved-sql words for auto-complete method
  • "show virtual tables" command has been included
  • ExaremeSparkSession (extension of SparkSession) has been included, so as to support sql queries with virtual tables without console

Upcoming features

  • Show execution time of query
  • Help command on console