
WPF ColorPicker

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

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A WPF color picker inspired by and using a combination of modified code from the PixiEditor ColorPicker and Dirkster99's version of the classic that can go as low as .NET 4.0 or .Net Core 3.1. The main purpose is to include features to easily change the style of the toggle button and add an optional empty mode for rare use cases where the user would be allowed to select no color.

  • There are four different public controls
    • StandardColorPicker - a pre-defined grid of colors for single click
    • AdvancedColorPicker - the common style canvas for choosing exact colors via sliders or hex values
    • ColorPicker - the two above combined for swapping in between
    • PortableColorPicker - a toggle button that launches a popup containing ColorPicker with custom properties for displaying the current state via background, border, text, or shapes
  • Each of the four main public controls also feature an optional empty mode for uses cases when the user may be allowed to not have any color selected
  • There are two templates included
    • Default with UseRectangularStyle false is a more curvature layout from PixiEditor with the circular hue slider and some curved edges
    • UseRectangularStyle set to true uses one with a vertical hue slider without curved edges

header header-default

Control Heirarchy

  • PortableColorPicker
    • ColorPicker
      • StandardColorPicker
        • AvailableColorsGrid
        • RecentColorsGrid
      • AdvancedColorPicker
        • SquarePicker
          • HueSlider
          • SquareSlider
          • VerticalHueSlider
        • ColorDisplay
        • HexColorTextBox
        • ColorSliders
          • HSVColorSlider
          • HSLColorSlider
          • RGBColorSlider


Install the NuGet package and add a reference


Then add your desired controls and their properties. The most important are SelectedColor and IsEmpty (if using EnableEmptyMode). For updates there is the option between binding to the event 'ColorChanged' or directly to the properties SelectedColor and/or IsEmpty directly.

<colorpicker:PortableColorPicker />
<colorpicker:ColorPicker />
<colorpicker:StandardColorPicker />
<colorpicker:AdvancedColorPicker />

It will run with the default style without any additions but to use an alternative style including the dark theme include them in your resource dictionary. It is designed to not use any of your apps outside styles. The included dark theme using colors from AngryCarrot789's WPFDarkTheme or your own customized can be added as so.

            <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/ColorPickerExtraLib;component/Themes/DarkBrushes.xaml" />
            <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/ColorPickerExtraLib;component/Themes/CustomTheme.xaml" />

The demo app will also allow testing all relevant settings demoapp


Universal Dependency Properties

DependencyProperty Type Description
SelectedColor Color Selected color as System.Windows.Media.Color
SecondaryColor Color Alternative color set for swapping in 'Advanced'
ColorState ColorState Selected color separated into R, G, B, A, H, S, V, H, S, L
UseRectangularStyle bool Use alternative non-curved templates
UsingAlphaChannel bool Allow semi-tranparency
IsEmpty bool Separate from SelectedColor, inspired by 'No Fill' in Excel
EnableEmptyMode bool Adds empty toggle button for user
EmptyButtonText string Text for empty button


Contains the ColorPicker, it's StandardColorPicker and AdvancedColorPicker children, and all of their pass through properties. The intention is to make the toggle button appearence heavily customizable allowing its background, text, shape, and border to be set without side styling complications. Toggle button style properties begin with the word Portable while Empty is for when IsEmpty = true.


Default Empty

Included Dark Theme



DependencyProperty Type Description
PortableShowDropdownButton bool Controls visibility for the icon area in toggle button
PortableButtonBaseStyle Style Sets the style for the button containing the dynamic area
PortableInsideMargin Thickness Margin for spacing between the toggle button border and dynamic area
PortableBackgroundMode ShowOnToggleButton Dynamic area background options Off, SelectedColor, ConstantColor, or Inverse
PortableBackgroundConstantBrush Brush Used when PortableBackgroundMode is set to ConstantColor
PortableBorderMode enum ShowOnToggleButton Dynamic area border options Off, SelectedColor, ConstantColor, or Inverse
PortableBorderConstantBrush Brush Used when PortableBorderMode is set to ConstantColor
PortableBorderConstantHighlightBrush Brush For highlighting when the mouse is over or popup is open
PortableBorderThickness Thickness Border thickness when not set to Off
PortableShapeMode enum ShowOnToggleButton Dynamic area shape options Off, SelectedColor, ConstantColor, or Inverse
PortableShapeGeometry enum ShapeGeometry Selection for pre-defined shape paths, all are setup between {0,0} and {1,1}
PortableShapeCustomGeometry Geometry Set custom geometry, uses PortableShapeGeometry selection if not set
PortableShapeConstantColorBrush Brush Shape brush when using ConstantColor
PortableShapeStretch Stretch Stretch.Uniform / Stretch.Fill
PortableShapeMargin Thickness Margin between shape path and border
PortableShapeHorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment Useful when EmptyShapeStretch is set to Stretch.Uniform
PortableShapeVerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment Useful when EmptyShapeStretch is set to Stretch.Uniform
PortableShapeLineWidth double Width of pathed geometry lines
PortableFontMode enum ShowOnToggleButton Dynamic area font options Off, SelectedColor, ConstantColor, or Inverse
PortableFontConstantBrush Brush Used when PortableFontMode is set to ConstantColor
PortableFontText string Used when PortableFontMode is not set to Off
PortableFontUseHexText bool Display selected color as hexidecimal value instead of 'PortableFontText'
PortableFontFamily FontFamily FontFamily for PortableFontMode on or IsEmpty and EmptyFontFamily is not set
PortableFontSize double FontSize for PortableFontMode on or IsEmpty and EmptyFontFamily is not set
PortableFontStyle FontStyle FontStyle for PortableFontMode on or IsEmpty and EmptyFontFamily is not set
PortableFontWeight FontWeight FontWeight for PortableFontMode on or IsEmpty and EmptyFontFamily is not set
PortableFontMargin Thickness Margin for PortableFontMode on or IsEmpty and EmptyFontFamily is not set
PortableFontTextDecorations TextDecorationCollection TextDecorationCollection for PortableFontMode on or IsEmpty and EmptyFontFamily is not set
PortableFontHorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment for PortableFontMode on or IsEmpty and EmptyFontFamily is not set
PortableFontVerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment for PortableFontMode on or IsEmpty and EmptyFontFamily is not set
PortableFontViewboxStretch Stretch Stretch for PortableFontMode on or IsEmpty and EmptyFontFamily is not set
EmptyBackgroundBrush Brush Constant empty background color
EmptyBorderMode EmptyBorderMode Dynamic area shape options Off, PortableSettings, or EmptySettings
EmptyBorderBrush Brush Border brush for EmptyBorderMode.EmptySettings
EmptyBorderHighlightBrush Brush Border brush for mouse over/popup open open highlight brush for EmptyBorderMode.EmptySettings
EmptyBorderThickness Thickness Border thickness when set to
EmptyShapeMode enum EmptyElementMode Dynamic area shape options Off, PortableSettings, or EmptySettings
EmptyShapeGeometry enum ShapeGeometry Selection for pre-defined shape paths, all are setup between {0,0} and {1,1}
EmptyShapeCustomGeometry Geometry Set custom geometry, uses EmptyShapeGeometry selection if not set
EmptyShapeColorBrush Brush Shape path brush
EmptyShapeStretch Stretch Stretch.Uniform / Stretch.Fill
EmptyShapeMargin Thickness Margin between shape path and border
EmptyShapeHorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment Useful when EmptyShapeStretch is set to Stretch.Uniform
EmptyShapeVerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment Useful when EmptyShapeStretch is set to Stretch.Uniform
EmptyShapeLineWidth double Width of pathed geometry lines
EmptyFontMode enum EmptyElementMode Hide, use set properties below, or PortableFont settings
EmptyFontText string Text to display on ToggleButton when empty, default to Portable settings if null
EmptyFontBrush Brush Text coloring, sets to Portable settings if null
EmptyFontFamily FontFamily Defaults to Portable settings if using EmptySettings and null
EmptyFontSize double? Nullable, use Portable value if set to EmptySettings if not set
EmptyFontStyle FontStyle? Nullable, use Portable value if set to EmptySettings if not set
EmptyFontWeight FontWeight? Nullable, use Portable value if set to EmptySettings if not set
EmptyFontMargin Thickness? Nullable, use Portable value if set to EmptySettings if not set
EmptyFontTextDecorations TextDecorationCollection Defaults to Portable settings if using EmptySettings and null
EmptyFontHorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment? Nullable, use Portable value if set to EmptySettings if not set
EmptyFontVerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment? Nullable, use Portable value if set to EmptySettings if not set
EmptyFontViewboxStretch Stretch? Nullable, use Portable value if set to EmptySettings if not set


Contains both StandardColorPicker and AdvancedColorPicker with the ability to swap between them. It contains all of the dependency properties of StandardColorPicker and AdvancedColorPicker to pass through.

Default Default Rectangular Dark
DependencyProperty Type Description
BaseStandardButtonText string Text for button displayed when in 'Advanced' to switch to 'Standard'
BaseAdvancedButtonText string Text for button displayed when in 'Standard' to switch to 'Advanced'
BaseAllowChangeModes bool Allows user to switch between 'Standard' and 'Advanced' modes with button
BaseColorMode ColorMode Enum for current picker type mode whether 'Standard' or 'Advanced'
BasePickerWidth double Width set for both 'Standard' and 'Advanced' pickers for size matching
BasePickerHeight double Height set for both 'Standard' and 'Advanced' pickers for size matching


Generates a palette of colors for a single click on a grid. The "available" grid is either generated by columns and rows set by StandardColumnCount and StandardAvailableColorRows with the first row always being a black to white range unless a custom array at StandardAvailableColorArray is set.

Default Default Dark Custom
DependencyProperty Type Description
StandardItemWidth double Width of items in the selection grid
StandardItemHeight double Height of items in the selection grid
StandardItemCornerRadius double Corner radius for these items
StandardItemMargin double Space between outer borders
StandardItemBorderThickness Thickness Thickness of both inner and outer borders
StandardItemBorderBrush SolidColorBrush Default inner border brush
StandardItemInnerHighlightBrush SolidColorBrush Mouse over or selected inner border brush
StandardItemOuterHighlightBrush SolidColorBrush Mouse over or selected outer border brush
StandardColumnCount int Number of grid columns for both recent and available color grids
StandardShowAvailableColors bool Show/hide available colors grid
StandardAvailableColorArray Color[] Array for overriding the generated colors
StandardAvailableColorsHeader string Header text for available colors grid
StandardAvailableColorRows int Rows for generated available color grid, unused with custom array
StandardShowRecentColors bool Show recent colors grid
StandardRecentColorsHeader string Header text for available colors grid
StandardRecentColorRows int Rows for recent colors grid


Allows the user to define their selected color more accurately than from a grid. It has the options to swap between RGB, HSV, HSL sliders in the bottom. The square HSV/HSL in the center top region remains the same in both 'UseRectangularStyle' modes but the cirular hue slider is replaced by a vertical linear hue slider in the top right when UseRectangularStyle is active.

Default Default Dark Dark Rectangular
DependencyProperty Type Description
AdvancedPickerType AdvancedPickerType enum Option between HSV and HSL layout for square hue slider
AdvancedInnerBorderBrush Brush For border of circular/vertical hue sliders, square slider, and color swap items
AdvancedInnerBorderWidth double Border width of circular/vertical hue sliders, square slider, and color swap items