
A RESTful API for GTFS data

Primary LanguagePython

GTFS Backend

Backend code for serving up GTFS transit data. Uses Flask.

This code is probably not fit for use just yet.

GTFS data

Put it in a directory called instance/feeds; e.g. instance/feeds/mbta/stops.txt, etc. You can serve up multiple feeds.

Running locally

$ virtualenv venv   # first time
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./application.py

Running on AWS

$ eb init
$ eb start
$ git aws.push      # when you make changes
$ eb stop           # when you're done
$ eb delete         # if you want to clean it all up

The first time the environment is created in AWS, it will attempt to download GTFS data for the MBTA. You can modify this behavior by editing scripts/prepareenv.sh.