
Scala scripts with functional programming in Scala 3 (Cats Effect, ZIO, Skunk etc.)

Primary LanguageScala

Bondi Beach: A world-famous beach in Sydney known for its golden sands, surf-friendly waves, vibrant beach culture, and the iconic Bondi Icebergs swimming club.


I have a deep passion for Scala and Functional Programming, although my professional work predominantly involves JavaScript and TypeScript on Node.js.

To bridge this gap, I initiated this project to handle various one-time or recurring tasks. More importantly, this project serves as a platform for me to learn and practice Scala 3, delve into Functional Programming with libraries like Cats and ZIO, and explore other Scala libraries.


  • Scala 3
  • Skunk: a functional PostgreSQL client for Scala.
  • PureConfig: a Scala library for loading configuration files.
  • PostgreSQL: a powerful, open source object-relational database system.
  • cats: a library that provides abstractions for functional programming in Scala.
  • cats-effect: a library that provides abstractions for effectful programming in Scala.
  • circe: a JSON library for Scala.




auto/dev io.daniel.apps.RefundApp
auto/prod io.daniel.apps.RefundApp


Read a CSV file, then send emails using AWS SES client.


auto/dev io.daniel.apps.ClubTransfer
auto/prod io.daniel.apps.ClubTransfer


Read a plain text file with emails, query and update Dynamodb data using AWS SDK.

auto/dev io.daniel.apps.FixDuplicateEmails
auto/prod io.daniel.apps.FixDuplicateEmails


Start the local PostgreSQL database using Docker:

docker compose  up

Trouble Shooting

How to specify the application to run

  • Setting the mainClass in build.sbt
    Compile / mainClass := Some("io.daniel.Main")
    Compile / mainClass := Some("io.daniel.apps.RefundApp")
  • Using the run task with the --main option
    sbt "runMain io.daniel.apps.FixDuplicateEmails"

Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret.

Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret. (Service: SecretsManager, Status Code: 400, Request ID: aab88d0e-ca3b-461a-8a6f-21371846fc63)


  • Option 1: add environment variable AWS_PROFILE=prod to Intellij Idea Run/Debug configuration.
  • Option 2: run on the command line: AWS_PROFILE=prod auto/prod io.daniel.apps.ClubTransfer
