
Add some randomness to your favorite Prisma queries

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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🎲 prisma-extension-random 🎲

Let me tell you the definition of insanity...

Bored of fetching the same old data from your database over and over again? Tired of subscribing to 3 year old GitHub issue threads waiting for Prisma to add that feature you want? Well I've got just what you need! Spice up your life with prisma-extension-random, your one stop shop for all your random query needs.


  • Random row retrieval: easily retrieve a random row from your database table using findRandom().
  • Random multi-row retrieval: use findManyRandom() to query for a random subset of a findMany() query.


npm install prisma-extension-random
yarn add prisma-extension-random
bun add prisma-extension-random
pnpm add prisma-extension-random


  1. Import the extension and add it to your Prisma client:
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client';
import prismaRandom from 'prisma-extension-random';

const prisma = new PrismaClient().$extends(prismaRandom());
  1. Use the findRandom method to fetch random rows from your database:
// Find a random post from an author whose firstname starts with "B"
const post = await prisma.post.findRandom({
  select: { id: true, title: true },
  where: { author: { firstName: { startsWith: 'B' } } },
  1. Use the findManyRandom method to fetch a random subset of rows from a findMany-esque query.
// Find 5 random movies with a rating greater than 0.8
const movies = await prisma.movie.findManyRandom(5, {
  select: { id: true, title: true },
  where: { rating: { gte: 0.8 } },

Note: when using models with a non-standard id field, you must specify the name of that field using custom_uniqueKey as below. If not specified, the name is assumed to be "id".

// Assuming the User table's `@id` column is called 'email'
const users = await prisma.user.findManyRandom(5, {
  select: { name: true },
  custom_uniqueKey: 'email',


Issues and pull requests are welcome. I'll review them as soon as possible!